Mr. Steve Bennett, CEO,
Mr. Scott Cook, Founder,
Mr. Bill Cambell, Chairman
Intuit, Inc.
2632 Marine Way
Mountain View, CA 94043Gentleman:
I have been a user of Intuit products for almost ten years. I currently run my small business on Quickbooks 2007 and 2007 Payroll, and several businesses and enterprises which I have helped start also use Quickbooks – on my recommendation.
I’m about to start researching alternatives, for my business and others.
As a California resident, I was irritated by your successful efforts to kill the “Ready Return” program, in which the state Franchise Tax Board provided tools to allow simple filers to calculate and pay their own taxes – because it competed with your TurboTax products.
Here’s law professor Larry Lessig on your efforts:
In 2005, the state of California conducted an experiment. Hoping to make paying taxes easier, it launched a pilot program for people who were likely to file “simple returns.” The state already had the payroll information some taxpayers needed to file their returns, so it filled out 50,000 of those forms for them. Way in advance of the filing deadline, the state mailed the taxpayers their completed ReadyReturns. Like a Visa statement, the ReadyReturn itemized the taxes due, making the process easier for the taxpayer and more accurate for the government. People could either file the ReadyReturn or use the information to fill out forms on their own. Of taxpayers who hadn’t yet filed, 30 percent used the return; more than 95 percent of that group said they would do so again. Praise for the program was generally over-the-top.
Soon after ReadyReturn was launched, lobbyists from the tax-preparation industry began to pressure California lawmakers to abandon the innovation. Their opposition was not surprising: If figuring out your taxes were easy, why would anyone bother to hire H&R Block? If the government sends you a completed form, why buy TurboTax?
But what is surprising is that their “arguments” are having an effect. In February, the California Republican caucus released a report highlighting its “concerns” about the program – for example, that an effort to make taxes more efficient “violates the proper role of government.” Soon thereafter, a Republican state senator introduced a bill to stop the ReadyReturn program.
Inefficiency has become a virtue in government – and not just in California. Last year, the US Senate passed a funding bill with an amendment prohibiting the IRS from developing its own “income tax electronic filing or preparation products or services.”
Your efforts were successful:
Intuit lobbied hard to kill the free state program. It introduced “do no math†legislation to stop the free state software from performing calculations, thus rendering the program useless for taxpayers. It lobbied successfully this year to strip the Board of Equalization of funding to keep the free tax filing program alive.
While that was irritating, I’m deeply offended by your recent actions. In Tuesday’s election, State Controller candidate John Chiang has supported reinstituting the program. Your response? To donate a million dollars to an independent expenditure campaign for his opponent, Tony Strickland.
I can’t think of a more breathtaking effort to buy a favorable regulatory environment, or one that so consciously admits that your arguments wouldn’t succeed on their merits. Here’s Lessig again:
Imagine if tire manufacturers lobbied against filling potholes so they could sell more tires. Or if private emergency services got local agencies to cut funding for fire departments so people would end up calling private services first. And what if private schools pushed to reduce public school money so more families would flee the public system? Or what if taxicab companies managed to get a rail line placed just far enough from an airport to make public transportation prohibitively inconvenient? Pick your favorite of these outrages, and take note of how it makes you feel. You’ll experience it again when you read the next story – and this one, unfortunately, is true.
Count me a deeply offended customer, and one offended enough that I may not remain a customer. I’ll alert the readers of my blog when I finish researching alternatives and make the change.
Thanks for making such a good product; I’m sorry that you don’t trust the abilities of your team to build products good enough to win an audience without shaping the market in your favor.
Marc Danziger
You can tell them what you think of their efforts by clicking here.