You Talkin’ About Me?

We’re members of several wine clubs; it’s nice to get wines you wouldn’t have thought to pick delivered to you; you discover some interesting (and often good) new things.

This month, we got something that’s both good and funny.label_SSR03C.jpg

In case you can’t read the label, it says

2003 Domaine des Blagueurs Syrah-Sirrah

…and it’s good stuff.

7 thoughts on “You Talkin’ About Me?”

  1. During World War II (or what the French call the “Late Unpleasantness”) the French couldn’t surrender fast enough to the Nazis. And they were just thrilled to send every Jew they could lay their hands on to the death camps. When the Islamo-nazis take over France in the near future, the French intellectuals will sing and dance for them just as they did for the Nazis and it will be the same thing once again.

    I do not care if this French wine is a good wine or even a great wine, or even if drinking it will make me loose 50 lbs and grow my lost hair back. It is a French wine.

    I will not drink French wine, eat French cheese or travel to France. France has become a world leader in anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism and as far as I am concerned they can go f*** themselves with pieces of rusty barbed wire.

    Is that sufficiently clear?

  2. Robert,

    Bonny Doon is in California near Santa Cruz. I’m told they make the occasional decent wine in that state, though truth be told I’d be more impressed by beer or whiskey. Still, close examination does show it to be a French import.

    As an aside to all: note that “Blaguers” is French for “Jokers.”

  3. I am also a big wine fan and a member of a few wine groups.

    Creative wine labels are part of the fun. One of my favorite labels is “7 Deadly Zins” of Michael~David Vineyards.

    And it is pretty good too!

  4. I love the bonny doon labels as well. Cardinal Zin is also another funky label from them. I also love their reasoning about screw caps. If you get a chance to see one of their little tags you have to read it for a good laugh.

    I would also like to recommend Klinker Brick winery Old vine Zin and Syrah. They are from Lodi and they are just fruit bombs.

  5. I’m with Robert on this one. Word for word. I don’t buy *anything* French if I can help it.

    I’m a big fan of California wines, and buy Australian wine anytime I’ve got the choice.

    I do like the label on this though.

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