OK, Here’s A Justification For The Democratic Party

Just heard Eliot Spitzer speak, and boy am I depressed. We get Angelides vs. Schwartzenegger and New York gets him.

I think I’d trade them both for him and throw in the Lakers…more later

8 thoughts on “OK, Here’s A Justification For The Democratic Party”

  1. Given the way the Knicks have been playing, and the relative importance of your trade elements, I’d bet New York does that deal… though you may have to throw in the Laker girls as a final negotiating move to sew up the vote in the Bronx and Queens.

  2. You WANT Spitzer? You want to become the DISARMED liberal? He’s about as anti as Feinstein


  3. I will pay anyone to take senators Feinstein & Boxer, plus idiot Nancy Pelosi and launch them into deep space. I will donate all proceeds to buy Phil Angelides elevator shoes.

  4. AL,

    Beware the greener grass. If it’s up to me, yu can have him.

    From the start, Spitzer was using Attorney General for publicity. He’d attack any unpopular target, in greatb ways overstepping his authority if it meant press coverage. And they’ve been fawning.

    If it weren’t alreayd in the bag, I’d say local NPR Potentate Alan Chartock’s bestowal of Mario Cuomo status on Spitzer would have nailed it.

    Is he sincere in attacking all these Corporate evils and evil doers? I can’t say.

    I do know sometime after NY pushed through a meaningless and largely ignored cell phone ban — with him as a very vocal supporter — I saw him driving through downtown Albany in his SUV (take note) jabbering away on his cell phone (held to ear without hand free device.

    Surely he is in the vast majority of people who can be faulted (at times) for hypocrisy, as am I.

    But he has been so single-minded about self promotion, I shudder at how far his careful image may diverge from the real Eliot.

    When he started going after President Bush when the President appoval numbers were lowest — in what context does a state AG really have anything to say about issues and policies of National Security — that was enough for me.

    Not that I can’t tolerate those who disagree with the President, but I’m tired of “leaders” putting partisan gain above national interests.

  5. From the start, Spitzer was using Attorney General for publicity. He’d attack any unpopular target, in greatb ways overstepping his authority if it meant press coverage. And they’ve been fawning.

    Sounds a lot like Minnesota’s attorney general Mike Hatch who has basically been using his office to campaign for the DFL gubernatorial endorsement for the last eight years. The most dangerous place in Minnesota is to get between Mike Hatch and a microphone when he’s holding (yet another) press conference to grand stand on some lawsuit of dubious merit to promote himself. Now that he’s finally got the DFL endorsement for governor, hopefully we can be rid of the SOB once and for all when Tim Pawlenty kicks his tail this fall.

  6. Angelides will make a great governor.

    He is smart, he is passionate and most of all, unlike Schwartzeneger, he is authentic.

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