Man, Do I Feel Slapped…

[Update: My bad on getting the wrong commenter. It was Walter’s Ridge, not Hypocracyrules, who thought I got a righeous beeatch-slappin’. I just suck with names, there’s no other excuse. Apologies to Hypocracy…]

So Red Dan, from DailyKos was polite enough to post a link to the diary he did on my Lieberman article – surprisingly, he didn’t like it.

Walter’s Ridge Hypocracyrules sees his article as “a righteous beeatch-slappin’

My favorite quote:

Most likely win? Based on what? One poll taken in May/June? Based on assumptions and assertions about the CT demographic and voter makeup? How about this:

All Connecticut voters disapprove 72 – 24 percent of the job President Bush is doing. Voters disapprove 73 – 23 percent of the way the President is handling the Iraq war and say 63 – 33 percent that going to war in Iraq was the wrong thing to do.

That was taken from the same June 8 poll (Quinnipiac) showing Lamont starting to cut into Lieberman’s lead in the primary and gaining significantly in a three way race for the Senate. That poll was followed up by this poll from Rasmussen and Another poll from Rasmussen both showing that not only is Lieberman losing ground in the primary, but he is losing ground in the Senate election race itself. And those polls were in early June.

Mr. Danziger, please tell me what that says about the chances for Lamont to win should he get the nod in the Democratic Primary.

So let’s click through to his Rasmussen poll #2. read along, and we get to this gem:

In the General Election, Lieberman wins handily as either a Democrat or an Independent.

I keep telling people, a) you have to read the whole thing; and b) you have to assume people will actually click through on the links you post, so they can’t blow away the claim you make for them.

What did Walter’s Ridge Hypocracyrules say? ‘a righteous beeatch-slappin‘…yup, I feel slapped all right. One of these days someone will do it with a fact in their hand, and it’ll hurt.

But until then, one key thing needs to be remembered:

It’s all about the war. In response to the list of comments by Andrew Lazarus, our buddy Hypocracyrules, and Walter’s Ridge, I’d like one simple thing from the Democratic Party – #1) Figure out a strategy for dealing with Islamism that doesn’t involve a) super-ninja warriors who will, undetected, identify and mysteriously kill bad guys without disturbing anyone else or b) NUKE THE BIYATCHES; I’ve made a small shedload of proposals as to what that might be, and as to areas where GWB is leaving the door open and someone ought to shut it. I think Bush is vulnerable to all kinds of challenges, but sadly, as poor a hand as it may be, you can’t beat a pair of twos with nothing.

It’s probably time to review them and set them out in a post, but that’ll take a few days.

In November, we’ll see who gets ‘a righteous beeatch-slappin’ and then we’ll settle down to the hard work of building a party that can will and will be able to do something good for the country once it does.

20 thoughts on “Man, Do I Feel Slapped…”

  1. Not that I would necessarily disagree, of course. .

    Your insinuations about pay-to-play are especially fact free. Considering that NO money goes from the political process to DailyKos, but actually the money goes the other way round.

    And Iraq – you have gotten this SO wrong for SO long, and ignored ongoing issues for so long as well – your credibility is that of a drunk guy on a barstool, at this point. Best to smile and ignore.

  2. Um, how does Kos make his living again? Where do most of the ads on his site come from? Who are/were/ will be his consulting clients?

    And what I’ve consistently said about Iraq was that it would be a long, painful difficult war, and that we would do bad things along the way, because that’s what happens in wars.

    How have I been wrong so far?


  3. A.L. #4,

    “Where do most of the ads on his site come from?”

    Okay, let’s take a look. Since the ads change, this will be a slice from tonight:

    “Freedom Toast CD’s, a political sing-along CD”:

    “A book about the bad effects of ranking”:

    “An ad for democratic hopeful John Laesch”:

    “An ad for Inconvenient Truth”:

    “An ad from Auto Companies promoting that they are green”:

    “A Tom Tomorrow Book”:

    “Liberal Clothing Ad”:

    “Liberal Political Music”:

    So guess what? Politicians advertising on Markos’s site is only ONE of the type of advertisers there. If typical, 1 in six advertisers.

    “Who are/were/ will be his consulting clients?”

    I may be mistaken, but I’m pretty sure that right now, Kos is unequivocally NOT advising anybody. He is concentrating on Daily Kos and his sports blogs.

    So your assumptions here are FALSE.

    “It will be a long painful difficult war”

    That is a truism, and worthless. You might as well say that “the summer will bring heat”.

  4. I can’t believe the pompous dunder of these past two threads. And to think they call Lieberman sanctimonious.

    Kos is unequivocally NOT advising anybody. He is concentrating on Daily Kos and his sports blogs.

    I didn’t know Kos had a sports blog, unless prostitution and vicious mercenary back-stabbing are sports. Like the way he turned on Paul Hackett of Ohio, once Sherrod Brown greased him up with a little cash.

    How much cash would it take for Kos to endorse Lieberman? Seriously? William F. Buckley should find out, because it would make a great gag birthday gift.

  5. AnyParty – #1) Figure out a strategy for dealing with Islamism that doesn’t involve a) super-ninja warriors who will, undetected, identify and mysteriously kill bad guys without disturbing anyone else or b) NUKE THE BIYATCHES;

    Right. Thought going thru my head this week – suppose we are closer to winning than we realise? We had people wanting to give up near the end of WWII and the implosion of the USSR caught many by suprise.

    Hearts and minds. Have you seen this post by ITM ? I think the 10:1 ratio of Iraqi’s slamming Palestinians for their stupidity just rocks the universe.

    The enemy is not superman. I dare you to read this Asia Times article with straight face as the Talib leader holds forth on narrowing his targets – given that his force has been decimated.

    Spengler, however, as usual, paints a gloomy picture of a WWI-like impending collision of civilizations.

    Still, I wonder, we might be winning. It might, as they say, be ours to lose.

    link prob*

  6. Can you be right wing AND anti-American? Apparently so:

    [E-mail subject line: I’m the one that stood on the flag (and spit on it), which is the only thing to do with that butcher’s apron. Get over it already you damned idolatrous fool!]

    We at Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) have incessantly studied the Scripture, and what we did in ***, Ark., is exactly what the Lord Jesus Christ would do. He said, “let the dead bury the dead” (Matthew 8:22 and Luke 9:60). We at WBC (on our own time and money because of our love for our neighbors and the absolute sovereign God who created your weapons of war and holds your breath in his hands, pursuant to Leviticus 19:17-18) did that family a great service in Arkansas by warning them to flee the wrath to come. It’s too late for their dead soldier; is it too late for the surviving family and community? If that dead boy could tell them, he would say listen to those preachers from WBC (read the last half of Luke 16 for a reality check).

    You cannot fight for a country that hates God and despises all of God’s judgments and commandments and expect to have any hope of heaven. (That is the opposite of “fruits meet for repentance” pursuant to Matthew 3:8, which one must present to the church of the Lord Jesus Christ to exhibit you are not going to hell. You have that duty also, Captain!). This country in all its institutions have reprobated themselves and made God their enemy. There is no honor in that. There is no glory in that. That existence is only shame and disgrace of the eternal variety. In that situation, the burial of that soldier is properly described in Jeremiah 22:19: “He shall be buried with the burial of an ass, drawn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem.” Quit pretending that you bloodthirsty beasts are fighting for freedom in Iraq, when the first time someone in ***, Ark., (me) exercises some of that freedom to preach to your fellow hell-bound soldiers you advocate their immediate death sanctioned by the police powers. We know that you simply reflect the attitude of a sodomite nation which has far exceeded the violence of those who surrounded Lot’s house in Genesis Chapter 19. —Jonathan B. Phelps,2933,200310,00.html

  7. A.L., this is hilarious. While you incorrectly cited the hypo, notice how he does not contradict what you mis-cited him for, and then later accuses you of being “fact free”.

    Fortunately, there is no such thing as irony poisoning.

  8. #7 jdwill,

    I saw that post on ITM and was impressed. What’s more, the anti-ITM (palestinian supporters) are spewing the same garbage they always have – so no change. I think Mo is right – there’s an awakening in Iraq that may, in time, follow suit elsewhere – except for the Palestinians, who seem to be looking foward to annihilation.

    AL, you’re right about one thing – it’s all about the war. If the moonbats ever realize a) It’s not an illegal war and b) Bush was elected, he didn’t steal the election, then discourse and discussion may be possible with the Dems. Which could work better if the left wing liberals would simply spin off from the Dems – then we’re talking a reasonable 2 1/2 party system. With the 1/2 party liberals doing all the screeching instead of the Dems.

  9. Can you be right wing AND anti-American? Apparently so

    Cognitive Dissonance Watch – You shouldn’t get all your news from Fox.

    According to Mother Jones, Most of the Members of the Westboro Baptist Church are DEMOCRATS who worked for Al Gore’s campaign.

    The members of this ‘church’ also members of one big loony family.

    They’re not right wing, they’re not left wing, they’re just a family full of sad angry people who refuse to take their meds.

    Since this is apparently news to you, what are you in charge of ‘watching’, anyway?

  10. Red Dan makes the fundamental mistake of assuming that the Senate race is Connecticut will be a de facto referendum on the Iraq War, with Lieberman in the role of the Bush proxy.

    Among those for whom this is a self-evident truth, it’s obvious Joe is in trouble.

    And if enough like-minded primary voters can be convinced that a vote for Lamont is a vote against Bush, Lamont has a real shot in a low-turnout election. But if the general election is a referendum on Joe and not the Iraq War (which strikes me as likely) then indications in the polling data point to a Lieberman win in a walkover. Which of course will further marginalize the anti-War crowd.

    (Interestingly, in the Quinnipiac poll cited, 75% of voters said they didn’t know enough about Lamont to have an opinion. Right now, he’s serving the roll of “none of the above.” How many times have you heard of “none of the above” actually winning an election?)

    From Red Dan:

    3) If losing a couple of elections and forestalling capture of the majority in Congress in the immediate future is the price we, the people, have to pay for throwing you and your ilk out on your well-padded asses…then I am all for it.

    A.L. I think you’ve been called out for “Impurifying our precious bodily fluids“….

    So Red Dan, keep trying to purge those who don’t toe your preferred lines. Eventually Kos can become Lyndon Larouche, and you can be handing out pamphlets in shopping malls.

  11. AL,

    I hope you know how many of us out here you speak for on a daily basis.

    While I visit dkos, that is the one liberal blog I usually leave more frustrated than satisfied regarding the direction of my party.

  12. _In November, we’ll see who gets ‘a righteous beeatch-slappin’ and then we’ll settle down to the hard work of building a party that can will and will be able to do something good for the country once it does._

    Here’s “Congressional Quarterly’s 2006”: predictions:

    bq. CQ is — *so far* — again going against the grain, projecting a continued GOP House majority, with 224 seats labeled safe, favorable, or leaning Republican. The Senate currently looks set for a minor shift with 54 GOP seats looking safe, favorable and leaning. Democrats appear to have some great pickup opportunities in the gubernatorial races, with only 17 GOP seats safe, favorable and leaning. A clean sweep would mean Democratic governors going from 22 to 34.

    Is it possible that the public doesn’t realize how awful Bush is yet? Time to kick it up a notch?

  13. Yep. Sure do. And as soon as you guys come up with something even vaguely identifiable as a credible alternative (note: “credible” in these circumstances meaning “credible” to an unaffiliated voter such as m’self, not to the echo-chamber cadre), I’ll think about pulling the lever for the Dems.

  14. I’m with you AL.

    Even though we disagree with where the party should go, I too realize that the democratic party is now taking a long walk off a short peer, and may implode not too far in the future.

    Since I started writing my dissertation, I’ve checked in now and then (alot more in the last few weeks, my dissertation is basically done and I’m just editing) but I’m amazed at how shrill both sides have been lately.

    I come in, and drop a quick note to try and spur conversation, and instead I get bogged down with ridiculous postings, many from my own side of the aisle. With all this time off I’m seriously tempted to forget politics and put my energy into something else…. the posts at Daily Kos, and the general bafoonery of the democratic party is not helping that feeling.

  15. #7 jdwill,

    Not only did I see the ITM post. I blogged it.*

    I think it is/was one of the most important bits of strategic news coming down the pike.

    I esp. like the commenter who said the Israelis were being too nice to the Palis.

    Once Iran gets free of their tyrants I think they and Iraq will get along well. And not just from the religious angle. The politics of the people are aligned.

    Olmert declares war on Lebanon. I think Syria will be next.

  16. #15 PD Shaw,

    I know how bad Bush is. Trouble is Zell Miller sided with the Republicans.

    You want to beat Bush? You will have to go to the right of him to win. (See JFK 1960). Now what are the odds of that in this day and age?

    The equation has two sides

    The incompetence of the Rs vs the incompetence of the Ds.

    The Ds delude themselves by only looking at 1/2 the equation.

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