Paging Jane Hamsher…

So the latest Quinnipiac University poll is out in Connecticut.

And I’m shocked, simply shocked at the results.

Among Democrats, Ned Lamont is spanking Joe Lieberman 63 to 35. A huge margin.

A huge margin in a small subset of the voting population, that is..

Independent voters overwhelmingly support Lieberman and Republican voters are abandoning their candidate for Lieberman.

The telling result is the favorable/unfavorable numbers – 46% fav / 30% unfav among likely voters for Lieberman and 25% fav/ 30% unfav for Lamont.

Back in July, I said:

Ask yourself this, if you’re all excited at the notion of Lieberman running against Lamont as an independent. Who do you think is going to be sitting in the Dirksen Building in February of ’07? Lamont? In a state that was — in 2004 — 44 percent unaffiliated, 34 percent Democratic, and 22 percent Republican. Come Election Day, what exactly do you think is going to happen?

And when Lieberman is sitting in his Senate office next year, do you think the Democratic Party will be stronger or weaker for his departure?

So let’s see how kickass the netroots Democrats are at winning elections.

And when they show that they aren’t, what exactly will happen then?

And let’s note a telling statistic as well – among likely voters, 53% think he deserves reelection, and 40% think that he deserves the boot. Among the 40%, 24% oppose him because of his stance on the war.

That’s 10%. The antiwar vote…over to you, Markos. Ms Hamsher, any comment?

16 thoughts on “Paging Jane Hamsher…”

  1. It looks good, but let’s not count the chickens before they’re hatched … Lamont has come from behind before.

  2. I’ve heard of revolutions eating their children, but the Dems are skipping the revolution and heading right for the buffet table.

    Hillary Clinton is already in the crosshairs. I predict Nancy Pelosi will be a prime target by the end of the year. If the Democrats win control of the House, or even threaten to, she will have to run interference against new committee chairs John Conyers and Alcee Hastings (!) to stop them from carrying out their moonbat impeachment fantasies.

    Murtha’s days are numbered, too. His conservative ACU rating is triple what Lieberman’s was, his usefulness is waning, and when they want to take him down they’ll have the stuff to do it with already on file. They’ll resurrect ABSCAM without a second thought.

    Harry Reid? In spite of his recent leftward drift, he’s more conservative than Lieberman and he talks like a counterrevolutionary social-fascist. They’ll probably nail him, too.

  3. The true tragedy of the Democratic Party is not just the degeneration into irrelevance and America-hatred; but the loss of any check on the Republican Party by competition for votes among the Center.

    Forced conversions among newsmen taken hostages; more terrorist plots by Muslims a-plenty; another faked “Israeli atrocity” incident by all accounts (with the connivance of Reuters if the pictures shown reflect what is being stated), and so on.

    When it comes to the choice of stopping terrorists from killing a relative if not your own person flying on an airplane, working in a skyscraper, taking the bus or train or going to a movie, who will voters choose?

    Yes let’s not forget Keith Ellison, likely new Dem Member of Congress appearing at Hezbollah rallies. Expect Republicans to openly charge Dems with siding with terrorists (Hezbollah is #2 in murdering Americans) and the charge to largely stick. Because it’s largely true.

  4. If Joe is any indication, the Democratic party is going to die. And it will not be because of the Republicans, but because of the Democrats.

    I mean, that the party known as the ‘democrats’ will slide to third-party status and likely be dismantled by its sub-party third parties. The vocalness and power of the nihilist faction of the party will force the mainstay of the Democrats into another third party, possibly inflating it to the status of the new second party.

    Which is to say, I don’t expect this country to ever willingly be a one-party system. I’m honestly waiting for a new second party so I can change my affiliation (I’m currently Republican.)

    Always liked the repubs better than the demos, but not by much.

    I’m a Christian and American before I’m anything else, Repub, Demo, or otherwise. Hopefully the Republicans understand this. These nihilist antiwar Democrats don’t seem to comprehend that forcing dogmatism on candidates is just going to reshuffle the deck in their opponents’ favor.

  5. Hey Genius.

    Since the Q poll – but before you posted this – there have been two polls out, Rasmussen and ARG, that show Lieberman two points above Lamont only. And in the Rasmussen, Independents SPLIT between Lamont and Lieberman.

    If you are going to comment on polls, try having some up-to-date information.

    On the left, always ready MyDD.

    On the right, always real RCP.

    For great analysis, Mystery Pollster.

  6. More “It Can’t Happen Here” news:

    1. Daily Kos is demanding that Harry Reid “openly ask Lieberman to withdraw from the Connecticut senate race now”. What that would prove, apart from the Kossack taste for authoritarianism, is unclear.

    2. Daily Kos further demands that Harry Reid order five Democratic senators to withdraw their endorsements of Lieberman. If Senator Pryor’s answer is other than Jawohl, he is to be stripped of his Vice-Chairmanship on the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. The other traitors and “de facto Republicans” will suffer some similar punishment. (Barbara Boxer is being given a pass on this one, for now.)

    3. Numerous left blogs are, of course, demanding that Lieberman be expelled from the party and stripped of all committee assignments. Harry Reid and the Connecticut DP have so far failed to do this, because they’re all traitors!

    4. Lamont blogs are demanding that Connecticut Speaker James Amman resign, because he has endorsed Lieberman. The only thing worse than tolerating Lieberman is tolerating the people who tolerate Lieberman, and the people who tolerate the people who tolerate the people, etc.

    All of this is adding up to a giant feces sandwich for Harry Reid to eat, served up by the people who just cost the Democratic Party a safe seat in the Senate. All over one race that they should have had in the bag.

    Anybody who thinks this is bad is a de facto Republican. But then, the Kos-holes are doing such a good job of fratricide that they must be de facto Republicans, too. Suddenly, everybody is a Republican. All of these “de facto” people are going to start turning up at Lincoln Day dinners, raving about Zionism and genetically-engineered food. F–k you, Karl Rove.

  7. hypocracyrules –

    That’s your last insult for the summer; the next one will get you a time-out in the corner.

    The Q poll is considered the gold standard in the NE races. I’ve seen the other polls, and will note that the Q poll was the closest in the primary – within 3.5%.

    But I’ll tell you what; let’s see what happens in November.

    If Lieberman wins, you take a hike unless you can stop calling people names.

    If Lamont wins, I’ll reset your warning claock back to 0.


  8. So let’s see how kickass the netroots Democrats are at winning elections.

    And when they show that they aren’t, what exactly will happen then?

    And let’s note a telling statistic as well – among likely voters, 53% think he deserves reelection, and 40% think that he deserves the boot. Among the 40%, 24% oppose him because of his stance on the war.

    That’s 10%. The antiwar vote…over to you, Markos. Ms Hamsher, any comment?

    From the crowd which has been wrong on every single issue of foreign affairs since January 1, 2000. There now comes this breathtaking assessment of the Connecticut Senatorial race.

    Hey, maybe Mr. Armed “Liberal” is actually right on this one issue? Maybe he hasn’t substituted rightwing radical propaganda for rational thought?

    Not the way I’d be betting, of course, but you’re free to test the house and see how things turn out.

  9. Why don’t you want the “netroots” to be successful in helping to elect people who they think are closer to their own views?

    Isn’t that what Democracy is all about?


  10. “…what exactly will happen then?”

    Stickler indirectly supplies the answer to Andy’s question. Sustainable, electable political parties in America are built of coalitions. A.L.’s realistic enough to know that that hasn’t changed, no matter the fantasies of the anti-war netroots. Glen further points out what Marc didn’t: the attempt to overthrow the current coalition ahead of testing the new orthodoxy.

    Have a care. The only time a stunt of the sort came close to succeeding – the McGovernite takeover – was with the assistance of a Nixon administration that sabotaged the Dem mainstream and then self-destructed, leaving a power vacuum. That ‘victory’ led to Carter, followed by years of Republican domination. Be careful what you wish for.

    Who needs Karl Rove when the Dems will organize their own circular firing squad?

  11. Isn’t that what Democracy is all about?

    Trying to get Lieberman kicked off the ballot before the election is not really what democracy is all about, no. Neither is trying to tar him with Democrats by having him kicked out of the party.

  12. From the “easy answers to silly questions” department:

    Why don’t you want the “netroots” to be successful in helping to elect people who they think are closer to their own views?

    Because the netroots are nuts. Why don’t you want A.L. to be successful in electing people who are closer to his views?

    Isn’t that what Democracy is all about?

    Democracy is about being free to make the attempt. Politics is about knocking the other guy out even though he tried. In CT the lefty netroots are engaging in poor politics, which is unsurprising because they’re a distinct fringe group incapable of persuading the rest of the electorate. Keeping the tiny minority from gaining power over the majority is a feature of democracy. (The effect is somewhat diluted by republicanism, but that’s a dissertation for another time.)


    Not so much when you apply some actual thought to the matter.

  13. _That’s your last insult for the summer; the next one will get you a time-out in the corner._

    Hey, the end of summer is 9/1 – that’s Saturday – works for me!!


    A couple of things –

    1) I’m actually surprised I’ve been able to post at this site as long as I have – I tend to curse overmuch, and sorta “just let my fingers do the walking”. That I haven’t been booted off the first week I commented here, is a bonus. I’ve been kicked out of other forums – mostly right, some left – so it wouldn’t surprise me. Remember, I came here from Washington Monthly, although I go by another handle over there. Have you ever noticed the cesspool that is the comments on that site? That’s me!! So basically f$*k it! It’s (mostly) good-natured loudmouthed name-calling and flame-baiting.


    If (When?) you feel I should go, let me know.

    2) You assume I think you are wrong, and that I think Lamont will win – I’m more realistic than you think though. Like in Calfornia, which will re-elect Schwarzenegger, despite being a democratic stronghold – I don’t think people give a flying f^&k about parties, for the most part. So I can easily see Rethugs and Independents, who are comfortable with Joe, voting for him. And, if most people who voted in the dem primary felt committed to come out in the middle of summer to vote for Lieberman, why would they change come November?

    So I’m agnostic. The point is, however, is IF you wish to give a decent analysis, and not be exposed as a HACK (debatable), it is a good idea to include the evidence that has shown up that invalidates your predictions – if only to explain them away.

  14. Gotta agree with hypocrys, you guys listen to your own rhetoric too much. Love all your links to current world affairs, but it would help if you wouldn’t claim to be liberals — unless “Armed Liberal” means liberal in the old 19th-Century meaning of the term. Nowadays that would be the equivalent of a country club Republican. Of course, I’ll admit calling yourself “Armed Country Club Republican” brings up all sorts of absurd mental images…


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