Have I Complimented Steve Smith Lately?

Steve renamed his blog Smythe’s World ‘The Concerned Troll‘ – and given the amusing nature of that would-be dismissal by the netroots tools, it’s a great blog title. I wish I’d thought of it…

But Steve’s not only clever, he’s moral.

Racist Quote of the Day:

Oh oh….looks like a pouty Brown Sugar is going to ask Daddy to buy her another pair of Ferragamos. Or invade another country.

T.Bogg (referencing a photo of the Secretary of State).

There’s an amusing debate going on in the blogosphere over whether Imus is a liberal or a conservative, as if that makes any difference. If “nappy-headed ho” comes out of your mouth when you describe a female college basketball player, you’re a racist. If making a lewd reference to a black prostitute is what comes to mind when you need to dis Condaleeza Rice, you’re a racist. And it doesn’t matter if the nazis over at LGF are pretending to take offense.

I have never understood the notion that liberals like Tom (of TBogg) – who would spasm into rageful unconsciousness listening to a white redneck talk smack about a black man or a woman somehow feel free to bring out their inner Tom Mezgers if the target isn’t on their side of the angels.

6 thoughts on “Have I Complimented Steve Smith Lately?”

  1. I’ll still never forgive him for putting the puck in his own net in the playoff game against the Flames in 86.

  2. Sorry about that; Lanny McDonald’s grill just freaked me out back then. However, my catch in overtime to knock the Rams out of the 2003 NFC playoffs should have bought me some redemption.

  3. Armed Liberal, you say Steve’s moral. And he’s clever too, so that’s all the more reason he should be held to a high standard in his words.

    In the post you imply proves Steve is moral, and in the bit you quote, Steve claims LGF (Little Green Footballs) people are “nazis”.

    bq. And it doesn’t matter if the nazis over at LGF are pretending to take offense.

    I see nothing moral about that slur.

    The link he gives does not make an impressive case.

    “Pretending” to take offense is another accusation – of dishonesty and racism – that has nothing behind it.

    If all it takes to be moral is to say something Armed Liberal likes while at the same time you can viciously slur people whose good name Armed Liberal evidently doesn’t care about, I’d say that’s a low bar to jump over.

  4. I’m with David Blue. Invoking the n-word tells you something about Steve Smith, not Charles Johnson, but I’d like to know why LGF is said to be “pretending to take offense.”

    I guess we’re supposed to conclude that Charles is actually a racist who really does think that Secretary Rice is a black “ho”. Why stop there? Why not imagine that Charles is a pimp who customarily purchases equipment for prostitutes, and therefore has no right to be offended at the practice.

    I’m offended at several levels here. Maybe Steve Smith would like to question my sincerity.

  5. Went over and read his blogg for a while. There is not much there there. Ho-hum. Going to the Nazi switch so quickly just bespeaks small ideas and little to actually say. Linking to the Onion is sooooooooo……….. lame, shall we say.

    Moving along…..

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