Researching the Johns Hopkins ‘Center for Talented Youth’

Littlest Guy (finishing 5th grade) just took their test and did very well. We’re debating putting him into one of the summer or distance learning programs, and I’d love to find someone who’s had a child go through one (or a child who went through one themselves) who’d be willing to comment on it.

Leave a comment or drop a me a note.

And no, he doesn’t look like the milkman.

6 thoughts on “Researching the Johns Hopkins ‘Center for Talented Youth’”

  1. I participated in one of their after-school math/computer programs in the early 80s. It matched my interests and covered topics that got short shrift in a Baltimore City public school. If your son’s school is strong academically, the benefits may come more from retaining his interest in learning through the change of venue / new experience than in the specific material presented. May your son have continued success in his academic endeavors.

  2. Dr. Julian Stanley and the Johns Hopkins Study for Mathematically Talented Youth helped get me into college very young back in 1973. Please write me at my listed email address if you’d like to talk about my experiences with JH and at Brooklyn College.

  3. CTY was an amazing amount of fun for both me and the younger sibling. As for academic benefits … in my case they were secondary, although I have friends who got a lot of learning out of it too.

  4. I worked for CTY summer programs for 3 years. From my viewpoint it was one of the best experiences I have ever had, for the children I can state the staff is 100% dedicated to drawing out their full potential. The staff and students both come away with excellent skills and memories, it is worth it if you can get a spot. CTY summer programs have a very very long waiting list!

  5. Ah, a candid camera fan. Alan Funt used to ask children which of their parents they looked like. I can still recall the 5 year old who replied “I don’t look like my mommy, or my daddy. I look like the milkman.”

    It ended up on a “Best of Candid Camera” tape, of course, and was the source of much hilarity on several long road trips to Florida.

  6. I didn’t go through the program myself, but I knew some people who did. They enjoyed the program. For the ones who stayed on campus, it was pretty significant.

    There are many summer “study” camps out there. I myself went to the Hampshire COllege Summer Study in Math myself, and it broadened my horizons.

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