Andrew Olmsted

I want to write about Andrew Olmsted, but nothing intelligent or useful comes out that hasn’t been said better by others. He was a part of the larger community of Damn Good People I’ve met through blogging – people who I agree with, disagree with, have learned a ton from, and hope maybe to have shown a cheap trick or two. I value that community extraordinarily much, as did Andrew apparently.

I’m assuming you’ve read his post from beyond linked below and found on Hilzoy’s site here; if not, go do it now.

I know I keep asking people to donate to things, but look at it this way – there are a lot of places where a hundred or two $15 checks could make a real difference. And if I can help steer some of those checks, and help some folks pay bills, maybe it’s a part of what I can do as part of in ‘making a tiny dent in history’s Green Monster’ as Andrew put it.

Andrew’s family just suggested that if people want to do something in his memory, they might donate to the children of Capt. Thomas Casey, who was killed coming to Andrew’s aid.

I just sent $50 to

Capt. Thomas Casey Children’s Fund
P.O. Box 1306
Chester, CA 96020

and I’ll match the next $200 that Winds readers send. Put your commitment in the comments below.

Regular blogging will resume later today.

7 thoughts on “Andrew Olmsted”

  1. “Andrew’s family just suggested that if people want to do something in his memory, they might donate to the children of Capt. Thomas Casey, who was killed coming to Andrew’s aid.”

    Mrs. Olmsted and Andy’s family must be some of the most dignified and compassionate folks around. Classy, is the word I would use. God bless ’em all.


  2. I’ve sent in $60 to the fund.

    Thanks for passing this information on, and giving us a way to honor Maj. Olmsted.

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