Some New Blogs of Note

I’ve added some new blogs to my RSS reader, and hence to the blogroll.

A few worthy of note:

The Monkey Cage, a group blog written by a bunch of political scientists, including Henry Farrell of Crooked Timber (who I’ve knocked heads with on occasion). It’s an interesting blog, and gratifies one of my personal joneses by actually looking at data (see their post on liberal bias in the media or on the impact of economic growth on election behavior).

Mountain Runner, Matthew Armstrong’s blog on counterinsurgency and public diplomacy. See this post on public diplomacy as a good starter course.

Calculated Risk, a group blog on finance and politics – focusing on a somewhat pessimistic view of the current market turbulence.

…but they’re all interesting and good, or I wouldn’t read them!!

And as a side note on blogging, please think about dropping a few bucks on Michael Totten so he can keep up his great job of citizen-sponsored journalism.

2 thoughts on “Some New Blogs of Note”

  1. I looked at your recommended eco blog with a pessimistic view. My 30-second glance saw a narrow representation of unsubstantiated headlines. On the other hand, “Carpe Diem”: puts easy to comprehend, substantiated data right up front with links to the primary sources.

    I’d love to read an opposing (pessimistic) view, but I wish they could present it as substantively and accessibly as Perry does.

    Any other pointers?

  2. sbw – um, the headlines are from Moody’s and the Fed. Their view is narrow because they are tightly focused on the financial markets (as opposed to CD which focuses more on general topics…


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