6 thoughts on “Advising Ah-nold”

  1. “It’s not of global significance, …”

    Au contraire, it is of global significance. This fellow, especially if he follows your recipe, is going to lead one of the largest economies in the world.

    You don’t think that that is of global significance, please be my guest on a tour of Long Beach harbor and Orange County while I recite: “Pacific Rim, Pacific Rim, Pacific Rim…”

    Oh, and should Arn win, it is going to give a lot of citizens in a lot of states funny ideas about revitalizing populist democratic movements. When that happens, the old level of political apathy in this country gets reduced.

    Plus California in Republican hands can help swing the state towards Bush in 2004 or at least make it not such a done deal for the Dems.

    It is of global significance, I respectfully repeat.

  2. G. –

    I don’t disagree (about the importance of the Arnold Insurrection), but my comments are just a click away, and this group blog does have a theme that this coverage doesn’t exactly map to.

    And my dog ate the post, as long as I’m making excuses.


  3. As to Ahnuld…I have to say I think he is the best choice – many of his policies would likely not agree with me – but his economic policies are all I care about at this point in time. I believe he has the will and the fortitude to achieve the goals he sets out. He doesn’t need to play “nice-nice” – he can spend his own money to hire consultants (al la Buffett). He isn’t using party sycophants and lobby groups.

    Plus, I think Dems would vote for him. They surely won’t vote for the other two viable Republicans.

    Governor Schwartzeneger sounds about right to me.

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