Send Our Journalists To School In The UK!!

The best line I’ve read in a while, in a story about a failed coup in Ivory Coast Equatorial Guinea:

“And even considering that Simon Mann had spent most of his adult life obliterating the fine line between profitable military adventures and hare-brained schemes, this was not a well-planned operation.”

(h/t Uncle Jimbo)

8 thoughts on “Send Our Journalists To School In The UK!!”

  1. I read that story prior to hitting this site and was LOL at you picking up on it. What a great story! The English DO have a way with words and how to turn a phrase, don’t they? Which is why I lurk and comment occasionally at Harry’s Place–the repartee is priceless.

  2. Is Mr Hemingway British? I’m intrigued. I hadn’t given it any thought before, and I tried to look it up when I saw this post, and I can’t find mention of it. Where did you find that little fact?

  3. The story about Equatorial Guinea – a former Spanish colony – reminded me of something my Filipina wife said years ago. “I don’t know of a former colony of Spain that ever amounted to anything. The culture of corruption is just too ingrained.”

  4. Got news Glen, New Orleans was a former Spanish Colony as well….at least our corruption is creative……

  5. Here’s the problem.

    Mann was not going to free the people. He was going to change the status quo so some company can profit.

    I agree that any change is beter than what they have, until the next leader starts killing off his/her/its people.

  6. The whole thing feels like that
    “Wiseguy” arc about the coup to destabilize the “Isle Pavot”, a kind of Caribbean Haiti/Grenada mix.
    One wonders though; Equatorial Guinea is a corrupt brutal oil rich statelet in East Africa; with little chance of change in the future. Wouldn’t Simon Mann’s crew
    backing up Mr. Moto, who of course
    the Spanish stiffed; have done some good.

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