7 thoughts on “Mumbai”

  1. When the Pakistani government’s reaction to a high-up official’s admitting that the lone survivor was indeed Pakistani was to fire that official, that says something about Pakistan. Not good.

    My bet is that eventually there will be some quarantine of Pakistan.

  2. So the former head of the Pakistani intelligence Hamid Gul, personally coordinated the operation in real time through mobile phones, giving orders directly to his henchmen, who targeted primarily foreigners…

    Did he coordinate the urban ambush in which the leaders of the Mumbai police Hemant Karkare, Vijay Salaskar, Ashok Kamte and Sadanand Date were gunned down? Because among the fourteen Indian security members killed, four were top officials… not a good ration indeed. No word about that?

    Not a word either about Karkare’s, chief of the Mumbai’s antiterrorist squad, advances in the investigation of the September 29th Malegaon blasts, pointing toward the Hindu nationalists?

    Not a word on why the Indian navy, having an arsenal in the same area, posh area, of the city (check it in Google) did not act? They had plenty of time. Didn’t they feel under threat? Didn’t they allow the attack to continue? What if the attackers assaulted the INS Vikrant, now a museum, or the cute nuclear research center you may find in Google norteast from there?

    Or maybe the Indian Navy knew critical targets were not the objective?

    What was the primary target of the attack? Why do the Mumbai attacks were carried out? What was expected to obtain with them? Don’t tell that simply terrorist are evil… and that Hamid Gul dumb.

    Benazhir Bhutto killed by the brother of Osama Ben Laden, Hamid Gul directing personally the Mumbai attacks leaving plenty of evidence… I am deciding whether laugh or cry.

  3. J Aguilar — Re your last paragraph: The fact of all the non-“sanitized” stuff, especially all the food wrappers, etc, reportedly found on the boat, is tailor made for “nobody could be that stupid” arguments. All I can do is shake my head bitterly at the prospect.

  4. Oh, lovely, now we’ve got ‘troofers’ for Mumbai to add on to our own homegrown ones.

    Come on, this is beneath you JA. Remember Napoleon (paraphrased): “Never assign to conspiracy what can be explained by incompetence”. Of both sides in this case.

  5. J, by your logic, the attacks never happened at all. Well that’s a relief. Good news for the victims families.

  6. Nortius (#4)

    Reported by whom? Karkare, the antiterror squad chief was dying in the hospital with three holes in his chest. He is dead as he was threatened two days before the attacks. Other three leaders of Mumbai’s police were murdered in the same car Karkare was wounded.

    Tim Oren (#5)

    I consider the incompetence theories the equivalent in the side of the governments of the conspiracy theories without evidence in the hands of certain agitation groups. I believe none.

    BTW, Napoleon was a conspirer himself, that is the way he invaded Spain.

    Mark Buehner (#6)

    Victims? What about the Indians killed not only in this attack, but also in the Mumbai’s train bombings? What about the brave and honest Indian police officers such as Karkare? What can they do now?

    What about India becoming a huge ethnic ticking bomb just because the hindu elite wants to play the Strategy of Tension in order to continue ruling and profiting from the country?

    I cannot support with my silence the murder of innocent people, because this won’t stop here.

    BTW, please, check by yourselves in Google maps where the Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai stands, and what lies one block away further northeast.

    Yes, that is the shipyards area of the arsenal of the Indian navy.

    Could the Pearl Harbor attack have been carried out by a commando armed with submachine guns (no assault rifles then) and grenades?

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