7 thoughts on “World’s Shortest Horror Movie”

  1. I don’t know how long it’s been since you watched any F13’ths…. but I’m pretty sure he got shot up at least once in every one of them. He’s supposed to nigh-invulnerable or something.

  2. I seem to recall only people not having sex made it out those movies alive. I assume the IDPA is of a similar chaste nature.

  3. heh.

    From Jeepers Creepers.

    (after Trish hits the monster with her car)
    Darry: “Is it dead?”
    Trish: “They never are.” *drives back and forth over it a few more times*

  4. Don’t worry, you haven’t missed anything AL. They’re terrible movies, filled with unsympathetic drunk teenagers. F13’th’s claim to fame was always body counts, so you lose 18-20 characters in 20 hours. So, someone dies just about every 7 minutes.

    I always found them predictable. Predictable is not scary.

  5. At university, we used to mix up large quantities of drinks in the TV lounge, and cheer for the monsters. Sadly, they never won in the end… 🙁

  6. I’m a huge Evil Dead fan, and one of my favorite horror movie lines is from Army of Darkness- after Ash kicks the crap out of a Deadite the local lord goes to flip the monster over, who of course opens her eyes the moment before he touches her… but Ash stops him and says, “It’s a trick, get an axe”.

    I love good play on Hollywood cliche.

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