Muckers Again

I’m working on a post on the recent flood of mass shootings. My first thoughts as always are of the victims and their loved ones; I personally wish we would let the bodies cool before politicizing these tragedies.

David Niewert gets “pride” of place for tying the Pittsburgh ambush that killed three police officers to gun-rights advocates and those who oppose Obama; I guess we can tie the Oakland police murders to black nationalism and gangster rap with equal honesty (hint: both claims are deeply dishonest, misleading, and morally devalue the person who makes them).

Again, disgusting, dishonest claims – made to score political points in the most sensational ways possible.

To get a good sense of my response, check out all these posts, and specifically this one.

One thought on “Muckers Again”

  1. “I guess we can tie the Oakland police murders to black nationalism and gangster rap with equal honesty (hint: both claims are deeply dishonest, misleading, and morally devalue the person who makes them).”

    The difference being that there are those in the Black community who are marching in protest at the killing of the guy in Oakland after he killed the policemen.

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