Stay Classy, Netroots…

So Mickey Kaus is debating running against “Call me Senator” Boxer – which would be a hoot since Mickey is clearly policy-informed enough to create some really, really interesting debates if Boxer is ever brave enough to subject herself to a debate with a mere citizen. He won’t win, but it’d be a fascinating way to kick some policy issues open and into public view, which is what I assume he’s doing.

The netroots blogs are alive with comments tagging Mickey for – basically – having gay sex with goats. I was kind of scratching my head on this one, and so turned to Da Google, and discovered that Juicebox Matt Yglesias did a post on October 14, 2007 where he – to put it mildly – challenged Mickey for supporting those AWFUL allegations that John Edwards had been having an affair with Rielle Hunter (the post is gone from the Atlantic, but the Google cache is still alive):

Mickey Kaus’ long post here about John Edwards’ alleged affair with Rielle Hunter is almost self-refuting. Basically, we have an anonymous source saying Hunter said she had an affair with Edwards, versus Hunter, on the record, saying that’s not the case. Then there’s Edwards, also saying it’s not the case. But Kaus initially deems Edwards’ denial too vague and non-specific. But then:

Update: The AP has Edwards adding “It’s completely untrue, ridiculous” and saying the story was “made up.” By the Enquirer? Or by one of the people the Enquirer cites? Either way, it’s a direct attack on the integrity of someone (not necessarily a smart move for a politician in Edwards’ position). …

[Banging my head against the wall] Basically what we have here is that if we assume the anonymous hearsay is true and the on-the-record first-hand denial is false, then Edwards is either mishandling the story by denying it too vaguely (“the story is false”) or else is mishandling it by denying it too directly (“made up”) but what if the story’s not true? No doubt by now we’ve had all the legitimate news organizations in the country looking into it and it seems that . . . nobody can come up with any evidence. As we saw with Scott Beauchamp, and the fake John Kerry intern affair story, if you just operate from within an assumption of guilt it’s very hard for someone to prove his innocence but that’s why we . . . don’t operate with an assumption of guilt!

Now, we all know how this turned out, right?? I’m sure Matt apologized to Mickey at some point…

But on Matt’s post commenter Hank Essay explains that Mickey blows goats.

Hank has, I’m sure apologized since the affair turned out to be true…

The next day, equally classy Atrios (nee Duncan “f**k with us a little bit and YOU NO LONGER LIVE BITCHES!” Black) and Matt had picked the comment up.

(Both of them wrote long, heartfelt apologies when it turned out they were full of shit…I’m sure…wait…maybe not…Matt has a post up today where the commenters repeat the slur…it’s almost like he’s proud of it)

And so, today – for telling the truth – Mickey gets tagged with a slur that sounds exactly like the kind of thing my 13 year old and his buddies used to say about their schoolmates – until they got to middle school.

Nice work, Netroots!! And that’s why you don’t deserve, and won’t get, and real power.

8 thoughts on “Stay Classy, Netroots…”

  1. They’re probably right to say (as Matt Y. did today) that a lot of us who like Kaus wouldn’t like how he votes. He’s well to the left of most of us who like him; but his politics are not what we like about him. What I’ve always admired was his honesty. He frequently writes things that are not acceptable under any guideline of political correctness or party advantage; they aren’t even pointed in that direction. He just tells you what he really thinks.

    We could use more of that from our politicians, whether they agree with us or not.

  2. I agree with Grim. While I’d be unlikely to vote for Kaus, his presence in the race would be an undoubted asset. Going right back to ‘The End of Equality’, I’ve had little use for his statist solutions, but tremendous respect for his brutal honesty in laying out problems. We could use some of that just now.

  3. Yglesias:

    And of course like all politicians if [Kaus] were actually in office he would face strong incentives to act like a conventional politician rather than like a contrarian blogger.

    And if Yglesias were a blogger rather than a political groupie, he would have to make up his own mind about things, instead of “going to the White House to eat danish”: and pick up marching orders from Joe Biden’s economic adviser. Or was it the assistant social secretary of Biden’s economic adviser? No matter, orders are orders.

    … he’d wind up being someone who neither Reynolds nor Goldberg like very much.

    And so Yglesias consoles himself by imagining that Reynolds and Goldberg, et al., are too stupid to realize – after years of scrutiny – that Mickey Kaus is not a conservative, nor even a libertarian. It’s so annoying to progressives when people are too stupid to hate each other.

  4. I don’t see why anyone would subject themselves to the sort of character assassination that goes on from the netroots if they weren’t actually interested in winning office. It doesn’t seem the sort of thing you’d do to yourself if you weren’t masochistic.

  5. The point wasn’t that Edwards was indeed screwing around. The point is that Kaus said we should assume guilt automatically, even though there was no concrete proof at that point. I thought people were innocent until proven guilty.

  6. Calvin, can you help me out and show where Kaus made that claim? Because I sure don’t see it…

  7. The thing about Kaus is that as a journalist, he’s pretty good about getting both the facts and the methodology right. (Hi, Calvin! Watergate only good if it’s a Republican getting burned, right?)

    His interpretation of what should be done in light of those facts and how they’re uncovered I find deeply wrong-headed, but not actively dishonest.

    This makes him a Feingold Democrat, and I would be good with that, especially if the alternative is a Boxer Democrat.

  8. Obama really has fallen to abysmal depths if there are people who are willing to take up for John Edwards again. Imagine how this makes Dennis Kucinich feel.

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