Mickey Kaus

If you’re a Californian, and a Democrat, I want to ask for one vote – for Mickey Kaus for U.S. Senate.

It’s gonna be a symbolic vote – Boxer will crush him. But if he gets a decent percent…5 or even 4 percent, given the thinness of his self-managed campaign, it’ll send a message to the Democratic powers-that-be that there’s an audience for a message that isn’t trimmed to suit the institutional powers that own the party.

4 thoughts on “Mickey Kaus”

  1. Does he have any track record to prove he himself believes any of his own claims?

    Is this political expediency, IOW, pitching what the others aren’t?

  2. juliet –

    I guess you’ve never heard of Mickey Kaus before. He’s the only human being from Santa Monica who actually believes the things he says.

    Seriously, insincerity is probably the last thing you need to worry about with Kaus.

    And attacking unions in California – from the Democratic side, no less – is political suicide, not political expediency. That’s what I like about Kaus. He’s like Leonidas, without the 300 other guys.

  3. Considering you can get “~20% support for either 9/11 or Birther conspiracy theories depending on the party”:http://www.brendan-nyhan.com/blog/2009/08/911-and-birther-misperceptions-compared.html , and taking that as a metric for being considered even a minority fringe in the party, I don’t think 5% is going to do much more than demonstrate that Boxer’s positions are embraced by most CA Democratic voters even when given an alternative. MK’s campaign is amusing, but ultimately counterproductive if he gets crushed.

  4. I don’t think 5% is going to do much more than demonstrate that Boxer’s positions are embraced by most CA Democratic voters even when given an alternative.

    Agreed, voters who are opposed to Boxer’s support of Obamacare and massive new federal spending and regulation are unlikely to support a challenger whose positions are virtually identical to hers. On the other hand, he says that he’s opposed to illegal immigration and partial birth abortion so I suppose that’s at least a marginal improvement.

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