Found Political Humor

“Sen. John Kerry today released his plan to eliminate the deficit. He says all we have to do is find a really rich country like Switzerland, and marry her.” – Jay Leno, on NBC’s ‘Tonight Show’ (via the LA Times)

8 thoughts on “Found Political Humor”

  1. Hmmm.

    This joke first showed up on Tim Blair’s blog, via email.

    “Reader Ric Manhard, of Ashburn, VA, writes:

    John Kerry makes a big point of his personal experiences as part of his qualification to run our nation. I think, based on the same qualification, that he has a real plan to improve the U.S. economy.

    But I’m not sure anyone has informed him that there are no ultra-rich, female nations for America to marry.”

    That was posted on Feb 11th. Not sure when Leno’s joke was. Ric’s, by the way, is far superior in wit.

    Just covering yer back, Ric/Tim.

  2. Phil-

    It’s a joke. Both have an element of truth that is exaggerated to form humor. Both jokes, as social commentary, are lame; as jokes they’re not bad.

  3. Um, doesn’t Switzerland have to be a lot richer than us for it to be funny? I didn’t get it because of it.

  4. Hi.

    My question would be: what would the annulment consist of in this case, and which formerly legitimate children will no longer be products of a marriage that was ever valid?

    Maybe Kerry would be the big national daddy, the voters – and their children – would be the kids, and big money donors like George Soros would be the rich bitch.

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