5 thoughts on “Well, That Settles It Then”

  1. I haven’t seen it, but this doesn’t make me feel very confident. Of course, Donald Sensing has pointed out that everyone sees a different movie when they watch it.

  2. Doesn’t mean a thing to me until *I* see it.

    And I wouldn’t trust Yasser “Baby Wipes” Arafat’s if he told me the time of day. Even if he had come out and said the whole thing was a disgusting anti-semitic frame-up of the Jews, I’d be wondering what his ulterior motives were, and when he’d change his story. So his opinion is valueless anyway.

    As a one-line humour piece, though, I have to admit this is pretty good.

  3. Having seen it the first night it debuted, I think a lot of how different people react to it is more a matter of cultural context and worldview of those who view it as it does any other factors involved. There’s a lot of theology, culture, and history that went into Gibson’s film and a lot of people are going to interpret it in many different ways depending, among other things, on where they stand on such issues. The same might be said of the New Testament or any other holy text as a whole, IMO, and I say this as a quite devout Catholic.

    And I think that understanding Arafat’s motives for why he does what he does (ICT actually came up with a psychological profile of the little bugger) is a dubious prospect at best given his tendency to dissimulate on such matters in the past.

  4. Actually the funny part of the cited article was putting “German church leaders” into the same pot as the PLO leadership.

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