Friday Kid-Blogging

I was talking to a good friend this week who was giving me the what-for on why my house is so (relatively) small and my bank account so (relatively) light. He meant it in the best way possible, and he may be right that I should take a little while and focus on making more. But I replied that the last few years had given me the best asset of all – my sons.

And as I’ve been trying to think about what I can contribute to Good News Fridays, it occurs to me that the thing I need to do is start kid-blogging. My kids in part, because I’m stupidly happy with the people they’re becoming, but I’ll look around for neat or cute things that kids of all kinds have done and hold them up for your examination.When you worry that the world is going to hell in a handbasket (or, as a good friend puts it, “…when you wake up wondering ‘Why is it so warm, and what am I doing in this handbasket?’ “), it helps to look at the kids and the fact that they will outrun us.

And when you wonder what’s worth fighting for when things look bleak, the answer’s simple – their future.

So he’s the inaugural kid-blog, straight off my refrigerator.

Blue is the sky
Blue is the sea
Blue is kindness
between you & me.
Blue is water,
blue is tears,
blue comforts you when
all hope is nowhere near.
You can hear things
that are blue if you use
your ears.

-Littlest Guy, age 7

One thought on “Friday Kid-Blogging”

  1. A.L.
    Good news w/e or whatever can’t get better than this.
    Congratulations on the love you both give and receive.

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