5 thoughts on “An Election Worth Getting Excited About”

  1. Pratlike,
    Actually, it is not cool. I’m checking on it now. I am very, very much in support of Ali and Mohammed helping to bring a democratic process to Iraq, but if this is legal, you can imagine that it’d be a problem pretty quickly with Iran, Saudi, and others buying their own candidates. I’m certain that this was a simple misunderstanding or not well thought through part of the process. Possibly they meant to only have it available for Iraqis that wished to donate, but as of now, it is accessible by Americans and anyone else as well. Will post more when I hear back.

  2. then again, legal or not, Iran, Sudan and Saudi Arabia are already significantly supporting their puppets. We can certainly support ours! 😉

  3. Actually, it is not cool.

    No it is not. That was a polite way of saying so. I don’t like being a wet blanket around here all the time, but in light of Rob’s comment, perhaps I should be more explicit.

    While we must do our utmost to support democracy in Iraq, it is wrong to give money to political parties in a foreign country. In theory, we don’t take too kindly to it in the United States, and we shouldn’t want it in Iraq. No matter how pure the motives of Ali and Mohammed it is wrong. It is wrong when the Saudis and Iranians interfere, too.

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