Talk About Get Out The Vote…

I just got this in the email, and since I’m convinced that I’m getting waaay too serious about the election…


A GOTV campaign for those willing to step up and meet one of the three levels of commitment:

* Citizen: I pledge to withhold sex from non-voters for the week following the election.

* Patriot: I pledge to have sex with a voter on election night and withhold sex from non-
voters for the week following the election.

* American Hero: I pledge to have sex with a voter on election night and withhold sex from non-voters for the next four years.

I’m not brave enough to click on their link ‘Plan an Election-Night Party‘…

Whew! Good thing for me TG’s absolutely going to vote…

7 thoughts on “Talk About Get Out The Vote…”

  1. bq. “Check this out: F the Vote – Trade sex for votes against Bush

    You forgot the disclaimer!

    bq. Offer does not apply in New York, Vermont, California, or other non-battleground states (or Canada). Remember practice safe voting, don’t screw up the ballot.

  2. Basically all “turn out the vote” schemes are all about getting Democrats elected.

    Republicans are more responsible, and turn out anyway. The fly-by-night sometimes voters are much more likely to be Democrats.

  3. Matthew,

    Check out this article which states in part:

    The (Republican) party’s goals are somewhat more modest for now, but it’s a start. The RNC is aiming for 3 million new registered Republicans and since the fall of 2003 has already put 2.4 million new GOP voters on the rolls. “We’ve really changed the culture,” Hazelwood said, tacitly acknowledging what a low-priority voter registration had been in the past. Among the new tools is Reggie the Registration Rig – a hokey, but apparently effective mobile registration operation, which goes to places like NASCAR events, signing up all those NASCAR dads we’ve heard so much about this season.

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