You Decide

Via Vodkapundit (how fun that is to say!), a blog that deserves wider attention – but positive, or negative, I can’t yet say.

Meet the Irate Savant – either a truly odd person writing a personal journal, or, more likely I believe, an exercise in literary style from an aspiring fiction writer.

Earlier this evening I resorted to what has heretofore been a certain cure for boredom or anxiety: the Marian Keane commentary on the Criterion Collection Notorious, always rewarding and worth any number of film classes (and, I recall, even more compelling on narcotics), and yet I find my mind wandering to my neighbor and our most agreeable adventure of the night before. While navigating the treacherous strait of courtship is an exigent, wearisome, and inevitably disappointing task, I am nevertheless more and more resolved to seize the helm and steer into those waters once again.

7 thoughts on “You Decide”

  1. I enjoy reading your blog. A big thanks for referencing Irate Savant. You’re right, it’s a most unusual site. I was reading the stuff on the shopping carts, especially a protracted conversational thread on the shopping cart issue. I have not laughed so much in years. They should write a book together. Maybe they are.

  2. Irate Savant was quite interesting. I see it as a developing fiction work. There are some definite touches of Lovecraft/”Weird Tales” in some of the entries, and the unbelievably pedantic style reeks of the Victorian horror genre.

  3. Ah yes, a hint of sexual frustration makes the most obscurantist blogger seem readworthy, doesn’t it?

    Possible corollary: For maximum return traffic, quit referring to your adorable kids and happy family. For extra credit, add vague suggestions to your Friday catblogging, viz. your cat’s surly response to the camera-flash represents your true inner feelings toward your wife/husband/kids/bf/gf.

    References to the sexual (un)attractiveness of other bloggers also seems to draw them in.

    Discuss. Is there data on this?

  4. The Irate Savant reminds me of an old song we used to sing in the hills growing up which went like this. (sung to the tune of Dixie)

    Had a horse and his name was Bill and when he ran he couldn’t stand still. He ran away, one day, and also, I ran with him. He ran so fast he could not stop and ran into a barbershop, fell exhautionized with his eyeteeth in the barbers left shoulder. Oh it hurt, Oh it Hurt, yes it did.

    Had a dog his name was norm, he ate hairballs yes he did, yes he did, he ate maisy and his poop didn’t smell like daisies….. well don’t quite remember the second verse.

    Thought a gift from the gods post was hilarious as an ex altar boy and one who won’t be filing suit at least until I attend my hypnotherapy regression session. Bless me father for I have sinned and it has been 25 years since my last confession, these are my sins.

    I lied to my mother and father. I fought with my brothers and sisters. I had anal sex with my neighbors wife. Well actually 3 of my neighbors wives. I shot heroin for forty days and 20 nights but it was the good kind. I lost my mind to a fine romance even though it was my friends daughter.

    I am feeling hungry .. peel me a grape always got their clothes off.. Diana Krall.. worked better than slipping them a mickey.

    I am going to see if I can get on Wife Swap. Will they let you on if you don’t have a wife? If they don’t I am going to file a class action lawsuit on behalf of all single men..

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