When Monkeys Fly Out Of My…

I had to take the car to work today, and on the way home was punching bottons on the radio and wound up listening to the news on KPCC.

I heard something that almost made me crash the car.

You can listen to it here, or look below the jump to see a summary. Just make sure you’re not operating any heavy machinery when you listen.

All Things Considered, March 1, 2005 ยท NPR’s senior news analyst says that recent events in Lebanon and Egypt suggest that the Middle East is moving towards democracy. Bush may have had it right when he said that a liberated Iraq could show the power of freedom to transform the region.

– News Analysis by Daniel Schorr

I haven’t been this surprised at something since Brett Gurewitz rejoined Bad Religion.

8 thoughts on “When Monkeys Fly Out Of My…”

  1. The NPR news analyst you refered to is “Daniel Schorr”:http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=2101143. He has quite a career in news, dating back to 1946. Once retired, though, his seemingly balanced analysis will be sorely missed after NPR moves in the next generation of hate-America Lefties to take his place. For those of you who don’t know who I’m talking about, just listen to the younger voices at NPR; the ones with the shrill, piercing whine of MoveOn and ANSWER members.

  2. Is Red Sounding talking about the same Daniel Schorr I have been listening to? Schorr is about as left-leaning as the other NPR marxists, and he has an annoying nasal-congested voice.

    Having said that…I am really surprised to hear him say something positive about the President.

  3. Daniel Shorr? could that be the same daniel shorr who made your boy President Nixon’s enemies list? The idea that NPR is run by Marxist is has got to be about the single dumbest thing I have ever read. By the way, since the Reagan adminstration the Neo-McCarthy attitude of the Republicans in Congress has had NPR running further and further right, not left. This is generally accepted as a truism by anyone who studies media and politics. How brainwashed are you people?

  4. I don’t think that enough tribute has been paid to Ukraine’s protests. They might be a bit farther from Lebanon, but their situation was maybe a sight closer than that of Iraq.

  5. E. – you’re right; the folks camping out at Freedom Square in Beireut (formerly Martyr’s Square) are citing two things – the Iraqi election and the Ukranian Orange Power movement.


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