The Ministry of Information

This post was going to be titled “Terry Semiel Has To Cooperate With Local Laws.” and be about the beating death of a pro-democracy activist in China, as reported by a reporter from the Guardian who eyewitnessed it (I’ll post on that in a moment).

But first I’m sure there’s an innocent explanation for this, and would love to hear from someone what it might be. UPDATE: No, I don’t think there’s an innocent explanation. Go down and read the end of the post.

I was Googling for the CNN comment on their need to release information about an Internet user to the Chinese authorities, looking for this quote:

“Just like any other global company, Yahoo! must ensure that its local country sites must operate within the laws, regulations and customs of the country in which they are based,” Yahoo spokeswoman Mary Osako said in a statement e-mailed to Reuters by the firm’s Hong Kong arm.

And found it quickly enough, using the Google search “Yahoo China statement”

But it’s what I found next that’s interesting. Below the fold are two screenshots…and yes, I do use Pimpzilla…showing that CNN has removed the Reuters story cited.

Google still has the cache, which I show as well.

And of course, both of them clearly show the logo of CNN’s search partner.


I’ve sent a message to the webmaster, asking why there is a missing page. I’ll share the response.

Not Found.JPG


UPDATE: I followed some of the other related links in the search that led to CNN. Take a look:

2nd story.JPG

2nd story cache.JPG


CNN Student News.JPG

2 thoughts on “The Ministry of Information”

  1. Historically Ministries of Information, regardless their name, have not existed. _Ministry_ and _Information_ are incompatible matters.

    Better Propaganda Ministry, as Dr. Goebbels’ or the _Promi_, as the Berliners call it joking.

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