Blackfive And Project Valor IT

I’m bumping this, and will bump it once a day until Veteran’s Day this Friday.

I’ve donated $100.00, and I hope that everyone reading this will please donate something – if not to this drive, then to Soldier’s Angels or some other charity that directly benefits the troops.

– A.L.

Blackfive, the Paratrooper of Single-Malt Scotch, just announced a fundraising campaign for another very special campaign – Project Valor IT.

The project provides voice-actuated computers to wounded soldiers so they can send and receive emails and surf the web from the hospital.

Yes, those should be provided as a part of their government-paid care. But they’re not, and while we’re advocating it (I’ll be sending a letter to Rep. Harmon and my dovish Senators), the soldiers are still in need.

They are arranging an interservice competition; I’ll stand beside Blackfive and support the Army. A C-note is on the way via PayPal, and it’d be great if you’d go over to Blackfive donate as well.

2 thoughts on “Blackfive And Project Valor IT”

  1. AL, thank you so much for donating to Valour-IT and encouraging others to.

    You mentioned that you are joining up with Blackfive. If somebody clicks on the donation link you’ve given, their donation will NOT be credited to the Army team. It MUST be through the “to donate” button on Blackfive’s site to count for the competition.

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