A New Host

We’ve wrestled with some technical problems in the last month or so that ultimately boil down to an environment with a gazillion spam trackbacks; inefficiencies in the MT antispam architecture; and an underpowered server environment.

Sadly, we can’t do much about the first. The second is worth considering, but isn’t going to happen soon.

We could do something about the third one, and so with the help of evariste, we’ve moved to Pixelgate hosting here in Southern California.

It’s good enough for Exposure Manager

We’ve reenabled trackbacks, and so we’ll see how we do.

One thought on “A New Host”

  1. -and to the Winds team, bloggers, readers, and community of commenters, if you notice anything awry, please shoot me an email to let me know, so I can look into and fix it. Much appreciated. I’m reachable at evariste at discardedlies dot com.

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