Bites The Dust…

So the archives of my old Armed Liberal blog are apparently gone forever. I’d been hosting for free with a friend who neglected to mention that he was stopping payment and shutting the server down. Yes, he should have said something to me – but yes, I should have backed it up. We’ll share the blame once I stop being so irritated.

I’ll see what I can reconstruct from saved files now that I control the domain. If you participated in a comment threat there, my apologies – I owed you more care than that.

9 thoughts on “ Bites The Dust…”

  1. Planning to take a job with a political campaign, then? 😉 I keep hoping that will happen with Grim’s Hall, in case somebody should want to offer me a job.

    This reminds me of a joke:

    Two guys meet while they are vacationing on Miami beach. They are astonished to realize they have had similar careers, both having owned factories that were destroyed, allowing them to retire young on the insurance.

    “How did this happen for you?” the first one asked the other.

    “It was a fire,” the man said. “I worked hard all my life, and all the time our factory grew bigger and bigger. But one day my wife filed for divorce. By miracle, that very night the place mysteriously caught fire and burned down, with all our records too.”

    “That’s so similar to what happened to me,” the first man said. “I worked hard and we got bigger and bigger; but one day we had an IRS audit come up. Just before we were to have it, though, a hurricane blew through and destroyed the whole building.”

    The other man looked at him curiously for a minute or two. They passed on to other topics of conversation, but something was obviously bothering him. Finally, he said, “I hate to bring this up, but I just have to ask. How do you arrange a hurricane?”

    (Of course I know you didn’t do any such thing. I’ve just been in the mood for jokes, since yesterday’s thread about religious humor. Sorry about your archives.)

  2. AL, you might want to peruse using the advanced search feature with ‘armed liberal’ as exact phrase and in the domain catgory. Then click “more from this site” in the first entry. They have 836 results, “cache” listed at least as far back as page 50, which is as far as I looked.

    I checked a few even that far back. Some were cached and included comments. Some gave a ‘snapshot notice’ and gave a link to the Internet Archive. The two IA pages, I clicked thru to had it cached and had comments included.

    It may not be everything that existed but it’s more than you imply that you have. If ya need some help, don’t hesitate to ask. Just let me know how best to not duplicate what you have.

  3. A.L.,

    While it’s certainly not as convenient as having a spider crawl and backup/recreate the site for you, it looks like you can still manually access all the content of the blog via the Wayback Machine if you feel like doing a lot of clicking and File | Save As…-ing for individual posts.

    Here’s the archived main page, and the Archive links from August 2004 back to May 2002 on the right side of the page all seem to work:

    August 2004
    March 2004
    October 2003
    August 2003
    June 2003
    April 2003
    March 2003
    February 2003
    January 2003
    December 2002
    November 2002
    October 2002
    September 2002
    August 2002
    July 2002
    June 2002
    May 2002

    I clicked on a few of the individual post permalinks/timestamps in the monthly archives, and the ones I tested even had the comments still attached.

  4. “Which is wy I love blogspot. The fees are right. And odds are the stuff will be cached forever.”

    Unless they summarily delete your blogs without notice and allow your domain to be linkjacked. They did that to me months ago and the content on those sites is lost forever.

    Thankfully, I’d long since migrated the content on my primary blog to my own domain/host, so I didn’t lose that.

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