Via Global Voices…Kabobfest:
So, someone sets up a blog about things white people like one month ago, and already it is getting more hits than our blog, which is basically about what Arabs like. It just lists anti-white stereotypes such as their supposed affinity for natural medicine (which the Arabs invented), recycling, and coed sports.
Here at KABOBfest, we have been profiling what Arabs like (hating Israel, women, and your freedom) and what we do not (Israel, women, and your freedom) for years, yet they get more hits. It’s [redacted] racist, man!!!! Damn this internet(s)!
and the authors remind us:
White people like KABOBfest. That is why they always follow us wearing suits and dark sunglasses, and in their Chevy Caprices.
“Or Israeli Ashkenazis like Ehud Olmert? He likes Apartheid.”
This gratuitous libel tended to offset whatever humor might have been present. It also tended to confirm one of the worst stereotypes about Arabs: that they can rarely express themselves on any given topic without attacking Jews.
Well, I thought #67 of the things white people like (Standing Still at Concerts) was very funny because it’s true. I like classical music and jazz, but most concert halls and jazz places require that you sit still while listening. Classical is the worst. You have to be almost completely motionless during the performance. You can’t get up, don’t tap your feet, and god forbid you should cough or sneeze. It sure takes the fun out of listening.
Nearly every other culture on the planet combines dance and/or free-form movement with music. “White” culture is very aberrant when it comes to music.