I’ve met Mike Hendrix, I kinda know Mike Hendrix, I like Mike Hendrix, and when Mike Hendrix asks for the blog audience to give him a hand and toss a few bucks his way – I’m in.
You should be as well. You didn’t need that fattening lunch today. How about tossing him a $20 instead?
[Steve, that’s not how you get a link exchange with WoC. You can email Joe Katzman or Marc Danziger using the links over on the right, and / or you can stick around here and contribute substance for a spell. Either way, just popping your head in the door, dropping a link, then leaving is not considered neighborly; it falls into the categories of drive-by and sp*m. We tend to delete that sort of thing, as I have done here. –NM]
Thanks very much indeed, Marc. And next time you get out this way, I seem to recollect that I owe you a cocktail or three…