LAUSD and its unions just made a deal to try and keep the foundering district afloat – by screwing the students.
Teachers, whose salaries are the largest part of the budget for the district, agreed to furlough days and a shortened school year in return for pay cuts – in other words, their wages remain the same, but they will work (and get paid) less.
Of course the students – who would benefit from smaller classes and longer school years – pay.
Fire them all, close the institution, paint the buildings, and start over. Note that when I say that I’m not being rhetorical. I’m not sure that LAUSD as an institution is viable if you make care for the students the core metric.
I think the year or turmoil that would come from a radical restructuring (break it up into 4-high school pods?, Reboot it as a larger organization?) would be painful – but the long term effect of destroying the lives of too many children hurts more.
The history of attempts to turn around poorly-performing districts says Marc is right.
Links, Joe?
You could “look at Kansas City.”:
Arne Duncan “did something similar in Chicago”:
See also “The Turnaround Myth”: for a bunch of related statistics.