So I broke down (and broke the piggy bank) and bought an IBM T30, the full megillah, with a 1.8 Ghz Pentium 4M,built-in Wi-Fi, and a docking station. I may or may not replace the desktop; I may just use the laptop full-time.
Sigh. So much for college tuition for the Biggest Guy…actually not, I got an excellent deal from

3 thoughts on “TECHNOLUST”

  1. Hee! I got toys too… a new cell phone and a Sony Clie – WHEE!!!! Yeah, so I could have gotten a motorcycle for as much as I spent, but what the heck… that’s next week ;->

  2. That’s interesting, AL, I bought an IBM R32 laptop with the same processor (no docking station, though) less than three days ago. Of course, my purchase wasn’t by choice, but new toys are new toys!

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