Help Another Blogger Out…

Gary Farber of Amygdala needs a break – no, he really needs a break.

He’s so far down that he’s looking up to tie his shoes.

Take a look, and if someone can help him out, do it! Here’s his PayPal button.

Note that this isn’t an endorsement of his blog or positions – I asked people to help Arthur Silber a while back, and I’m about to light up his ridiculous latest like a pinanta…but agree or disagree, Gary is definitely one of the good guys. Let’s keep the lights on.

(JK says: Originally posted Dec. 31, 2003 – but see quality blog posts like this one about affairs inside the Saudi kingdom… please help him if you can)

4 thoughts on “Help Another Blogger Out…”

  1. I’m not clear on what the link between me and Arthur Silber, a guy whose blog I’m not really familiar with, is, but thanks for the link.

    Although most of your and my positions are in agreement, most of the time, from my reading of you. For the record, I’m an independent, socially liberal, wish-washy pro-war, guy, who has lots of criticism for both Republicans and Democrats. Basically, I’m an issue-by-issue, non-dogma, fellow. And I wouldn’t expect anyone to agree with all my positions, because they’re extremely eclectic. Very pro-Buffy, though.

    Anyway, thanks again.

  2. Things must be tough out there. I’d help, but I’ve already donated to someone who’s already been evicted, and is so deep in debt she can’t continue chemotherapy.

  3. Ah.

    Well, I’ve had dozens of hits from WoC so far, and dozens from Michael Totten and dozens from elsewhere. A couple of hundred so far.

    One donation. We’ll see how it goes. Thanks again.

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