Joe will doubtless weigh in on the outage, but from my seat it looks like the Bloghosts folks have all been on vacation for the week leading up to Halloween (or out doing GOTV for their candidate).
There will doubtless be further discussion by Joe, and for all of us at Winds, my apology.
(JOE:) Bandwidth allocations reset automatically on the 1st of the month, and that’s why we’re back. has now been completely incommunicado and unresponsive, via email or other methods, to us and to other bloggers, for a MONTH. My advice to all bloggers hosting there would be to use Movable Type’s “Import/Export” button to export a current copy of their blog, along with a current version of all templates. The exported version of your site should be updated a minimum of once per week, depending on how many posts one is prepared to lose should’s problems become worse.
I’m going to give advice that you already know, but what the heck.
I know from bitter experience, that any type of hosting – either straight web hosting or bandwidth, to any variety of hosted applications – can easily “survive” on quite the skeleton crew – with very little warning signs that the business is in the deep deep red.
So if you aren’t getting a response at all from Bloghost, chances are that one day – BAM! It’s going dark, and you won’t be informed til it’s gone.
Unfortunately, I didn’t know about Bloghosts being ‘gone’ until AFTER I had sent them 18 bucks through PayPal.
Needless to say, I’m pissed, big time. I want my money back.