Terror and Remembrance

It’s the 4th anniversary of 9/11, and in some ways, it seems that it has receded into the past.

Donovan Janus points out that on the websites of the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, and London Times, there are only minor mentions of the anniversary.

The Post’s lead article is headlined “Date’s Significance Could Fade” – well, yes it may – if the gatekeepers in the media encourage it to. I’m going to do my part to see that it doesn’t.

There will be a time when 9/11 and the war the Islamists have declared on the West will have receded into the past and be worthy of minor remembrance.

We’re not there yet.

7 thoughts on “Terror and Remembrance”

  1. AL-

    In all seriousness, how much 9/11 remembrance do you want to see in the midst of Katrina’s aftermath? Isn’t another disaster on the magnitude of 9/11 (at least) exactly the kind of thing that should put the anniversary on the back burner?

  2. how much 9/11 remembrance do you want to see …

    In Padova, Italy, there will be a ceremony today to unveil a 9/11 memorial made from one of the WTC’s beams.

    And in La Habra, CA, at the 9/11 memorial restored after it was trashed by “anti-war” protesters.

    And in New Orleans, where FDNY and NYPD officers are assisting the relief effort.

    And at St. Bonaventure University in NY, in remembrance of Father Mychal Judge, WTC Victim No. 0001.

    And all over the country, Chris, from the big Blue State cities to the little Red State towns, from sea to sea. Stick your head out of your bunker and take a look.

  3. Well, hell, Glen, why don’t you just mention the government-sponsored “Freedom March” on the National Mall today and get it over with?

    Armed Liberal seemed to be making the point that the national media wasn’t paying enough attention to the anniversary – I was pointing out that other, more immediate tragedies might have a slightly higher priority at the moment.

    I still don’t get what your problem is, Glen… but I’m not sure I want to know, anyway.

  4. Well, hell, Glen, why don’t you just mention the government-sponsored “Freedom March” on the National Mall today and get it over with?

    An excellent suggestion. There is also the Freedom March, sponsored by the Pentagon and a number of outstanding DC radio stations.

    The Freedom March was also sponsored by the Washington Post – for a while. The WaPo paleoliberals managed to keep their courage screwed to the sticking place for almost two whole weeks (a new record!) until the bed-wetters and ankle-biters forced them to withdraw their support for this “fascist spectacle”. So they can only watch from their windows, mumbling to themselves about the Weimar Republic.

    And yet the sun came up this morning without any help from the Washington Post, so people are out on the mall.

    I still don’t get what your problem is, Glen…

    Well, I would like to see more peace, love, and understanding in the world. I have faith that the human race will get there, some day.

    I also have unresolved issues with blond women who drink too much. And I don’t like Esperanto.

    Apart from that, I’m fine. How are you doing?

  5. It seems to me that premeditated murder on a scale of thousands and a cost of billions has higher precedence than a natural disaster which might have been averted if not for incompetence.

    As it is, it will be interesting if the death toll of Katrina will top that of 9/11 after all the huffing and puffing of Louisiana’s Democrats, not to mention MoveOn and all the other Angry Left commentators.

    My vote for which is more important is that 9/11 is. And it would appear to me that anyone who votes for Katrina is in the deluded state of self-denial so beloved by Michael Moore and John Kerry.

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