On An Even Lighter Note.

My neighbor and friend N. has a son, A., who is Littlest Guy’s age. Both Littlest Guy and A. were asked to test for the “GATE” (Gifted And Talented Education) track – basically the ‘honors’ track. They test for this from third to fifth grade in our district, and both boys are in fifth grade.

N.’s dad and mom also live in the neighborhood (N. grew up down the street from where I live), and once a week they go out for a family meal.

He & I had coffee yesterday, and he told me what happened at this week’s meal. Note: this will work much better if you read it out loud…

N. to A.: “Tell Grandpa your news.”

A.: “I will have GATE testing next week.”

Grandpa: “What!! What are you saying!!”

N.: “A’s getting tested for GATE! Isn’t that wonderful?”

Grandpa: “How can you say that! Are you crazy?”

N. (concerned): “Dad, it’s a real honor, why are you upset?”

Grandpa: “They test for this in fifth grade, now? What are we coming to?”

N.: “Wait, dad, what in the world is the problem?”

Grandpa: “They are going to gay-test A.!!”

N.: “Yes, exactly! He will test for GATE.”

Grandpa: “How can you accept that? Gay-testing a boy his age!”

N: “Yes, GATE testing.”

Grandpa: “Oh, God what is the world coming to, gay-testing a boy like A.”

N’s wife, S.: “Grandpa, what do you think we’re talking about?”

Grandpa: “Testing to see if A. is gay, of course! What an outrage! How can you sit still for this?”

N. covers his face, S. laughs…

Sometimes pronunciation is the key to successful communication…

5 thoughts on “On An Even Lighter Note.”

  1. I know this is a joke, and I am probably preaching to the choir, but seriously…

    If you have the chance to put him in that program, do it. Do NOT let them mainstream him. I know having social skills is important, but it is also important that he is not bored in school. He will perform to his portential if his “competition” is keen. If the competition is not there he won’t.

    I was there too and I know what I went through in school.

  2. Oh, trust me – LG definitely has ‘boredom issues’ in school and we’re pushing him to get as much challenging/interesting stuff as possible…he’s the third one, we’ve been down this path before.


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