Paying Up…

Two years ago, Jonah Goldberg offered to bet Juan Cole $1,000 that the Iraqi and American people would – in two years’ time – feel strongly that the war was worth it (and that there would be no civil war, and some other related points).

Now I’ll yield to very few people in my low opinion of Professor Cole and his views.

But a bet’s a bet. And Goldberg is now skirting dangerously close to the man-law violation of welching.

Here’s my take. Jonah, write a check for $1K to Soldier’s Angels. They can use it, and it will improve your karma. Cole may not have accepted the bet, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t make it.

And monkyboy, wherever you are – that goes for you, too. Pay up, dude. Your soul will be lighter for it.

12 thoughts on “Paying Up…”

  1. Surely, you can’t be suggesting that anyone who offers a bet is obligated to pay off, even if the terms are rejected by the other party. A bet is a contract, and a contract isn’t a contract unless there is acceptance of the offer.

  2. Actually Goldberg sounded off on this several times and said that since Cole wussed out on taking the bet he doe not consider himself under an obligation to pay him. He said, however, that Cole would have won the ber if he’d taken it. So Golberg said that he is planning to donate the sum instead to a charity organization.

  3. well betting about something which can’t be over ruled is not quite a feasible idea! as human beings one will definitely call for a war…and talking about America and Iraq who never know who’s going to strike at what not! animosity will go on existing!

  4. to improve the karma you don’t have to pay a cheque! don’t think about war! bring in love. this valentine day why not make a difference with spreading love?

  5. How did the Valentine spammers who posted the two “comments” above make it past security? Isn’t there a general order to shoot cupids on sight?

    A.L. here – the comments are in context, so I’ll just delete the urls. If I was more creative, I’d find one of their competitors and change the urls to point to them…

  6. You can’t welch on a bet you never made. What Goldberg owes the world is to admit that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, and that time spent listening to him is time wasted.

  7. How can it be called a civil war when the antagonists are outside agitators?

    I’ll give you a hint: the idea that the Sunni/Shia conflict is conducted by foreigners is ridiculous. If these were outside agitators, why wouldn’t the Iraqis be uniting against them. Hint 2: We still call it the Spanish Civil War, even though there was plenty of outside agitation then. Hint 3: Maybe we are the outside agitators.

  8. Andrew, you know full well that Iran and Syria (among others) are dipping their paws in.

    Don’t be disingenous, please.

  9. How can it be even close to welching when the other party not only declined the bet but denounced the offeror for even suggesting it?

    Seriously, I’m not a fan of gambling (although I have been known to stake my Farscape and B5 DVD collections on “sure things” just to emphasize a point) but Jonah Goldberg’s right at least in that he’s under no obligation to donate to a charity of Cole’s choosing and free in good conscience to donate or not donate as he sees fit.

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