Moveable Type Tech Bleg

I’ve managed to get a text-file output of my old site, and am trying to get it to import into the MT 3.3 instance we’re running here.

When I try, I get a ‘file too big’ error.

When I break the file up into little files and try again – same thing.

Any ideas, anyone?

6 thoughts on “Moveable Type Tech Bleg”

  1. When I had a similar problem (just the HTML files, not the database), I wrote a small perl script to take the entries, break them into their component parts, and then add them back to the database via the API. The only shortcoming is that I couldn’t save the comments and trackbacks. You might try a similar approach.

  2. Jeff’s on the right track although for a one-shot it would probably be a little easier to generate a SQL script that would insert the necessary entries into the databsae.

  3. Dave, there are Perl libraries for loading the entries into the database. It took me about 20 minutes to write. That said, a SQL script would work just fine; it just requires more knowledge of the MT internals.

    I just looked for the script, and couldn’t find it (it was so fast to do, I likely didn’t keep it), or I would post it.

  4. I was on vacation — did you ever get this fixed? If not, you might check the directory. As I understand the process, MT will import every file in that directory, so if you’ve left a big file there, you’d get the error even if you broke it up in to other little files. Otherwise, drop me e-mail off line.

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