VictoryPAC – or LetUsWin – on the Air

So I did my first-ever live radio interview today in support of VictoryPAC, with a conservative talk radio host named Vicki McKenna on the air in Madison. She commented that as a conservative in Madison she understood what it was like to be a liberal hawk – somewhat isolated. I disagreed, and pointed her at the Euston Manifesto and worked in Norm Geras.

Apparently I didn’t suck, because I’m invited back to her Friday morning show in Milwaukee, on WISN.

If it’s going to be streamed, I’ll let everyone know.

VictoryPAC is over $12,000, by the way…I’m chasing new videos tonight.

One thought on “VictoryPAC – or LetUsWin – on the Air”

  1. Congratulations. I saw commentary on your videos at Real Clear Politics. Both were clean and clear.
    I cannot support your endeavor. There is too much water over the dam and the damned. It has become clear to me that Bush has done those for the sole purpose of continuing his immaculate conception of the conservative revolution. It has resulted in nothing less than the murder of our soldiers and airman. It will lead to the genocidal religious cleansing similar to the results of the partition of India in Iraq.
    This damnable event will diminish our country in the eyes of the world and cement Mao’s dictum in international events. The good of it will be that the moralistic streak of dogooding in this country will come to its end. Soberly then the populace will look at the world with more clarity and keep us out of further fiasco’s.

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