Mars Needs Women!!

UPDATE: Got the 50, thanks! The list is now closed.

Sorry to be so silent, but I’ve been heads-down at work on a v cool project. One of the features is a career profile test similar to one that typically costs $300 to take; we’re going to be taking the data from this and doing some cool collaborative filtering with it.

To test our math, we need a bunch (1,000 records) of real-world data, and we are 50 women (we need a 50/50 balance) away from having that. So if you’re a woman in IT, finance, or engineering (or know one), and want to take a test for free that will give you some interesting career insights (the results will go nowhere except to our testing lab), please email me at the address on the sidebar above with you first name, last name, and an email address. I’ll get back to you with login information for the test.

I’m working on a long post on Iraq that I’m confident will enrage people on both sides, but time has been scarce…look for it this weekend.

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