The Black Sedan

The day I dropped Biggest Guy off at the recruiting center to be processed into the Army, I did so with the full awareness that at any time afterward, I could come home to find a car with an officer in it waiting to notify me of the worst possible news. In the back of my mind the image of that car is one that I constantly chase away – but it’s one that I know all military families carry with them.

Last week, the car came calling for the family of one of BG’s classmates.

Norman Michael “Ehren” Murburg died during the land nav portion of SFAS (the ‘selection’ for Special Forces). It’s not yet clear what happened, but I’d been watching the Fayetteville weather with concern – it was well over 100 degrees, with smoke from fires and high humidity.

Please go share your condolences with his family, and think good thoughts for the loved ones he left behind.

More on this later. Today is just for mourning.