In The “Trivial, But Funny” Department

From Computerworld

Several digital images that Microsoft Corp. has posted on its Web site to trumpet its new “I’m a PC” advertising campaign were actually created on Macs, according to the files’ originating-software stamp.

Four of the images that Microsoft made available on its PressPass site today display the designation “Adobe Photoshop C3 Macintosh” when their file properties are examined. The images appear to be frames from the television ads that Microsoft will launch later today.

3 thoughts on “In The “Trivial, But Funny” Department”

  1. And for some reason every non-native English speaker in the commercials sound like they have learning disabilities.

  2. I doubt Microsoft in-house marketing dept. is doing the ads, more than likely they are farmed out to ad firms, who more than likely use Macs.

  3. Internal Microsoft policies for its employees are pretty practical: You can use whatever tools you need to do the job the best. Microsoft itself makes Mac software, so they aren’t bigots about it.

    That said, it could still be outside contractors that did it.

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