Mike Golby attempts a takedown of the SFSU Blogburst.
His quotes, with my comments interspersed.

As far as I know, you either call it a Google bomb or a bunch of good ol’ boys acting like ‘eedjits’. I believe these people are seeking publicity and an outlet for their frustration, impotence, and anger. They are doing so inappropriately and are fostering discord rather than harmony.

Well, there are some people with whom I do not want to be harmonious. They do things that I dislike, such as crash airplanes into the WTC. I do not want to play with them, and I want them to stop what they are doing. If I can help get publicity to generate consensus about stopping them, that’s called politics. The nice thing about it in the U.S., like in the AYSO, is that everyone gets to play.

This is not the stuff of dancing in the park or singing folk and freedom songs. Having looked at the material Blog Burst has collated, I think we’d do well to remember that disillusioned, ill-informed, and misguided people have been ‘organizing’ for millennia. Today, this applies as much to fear-filled Israeli ‘supporters’ as it does to Palestinian extremists. When frightened out of our wits, it’s what we do best. We project, act out, drive ourselves into a frenzy and, sometimes, sow chaos and destruction – no matter how smart we think we are.

Darn those “fear-filled” Israeli activists…they are such wimps…

And that’s why we put governments into place. Our forefathers saw the need to control our base impulses and our drive to surrender to mob rule. Government and its law enforcement agencies are there to protect us from ourselves more than from any external attack.

No, Mike, the government of the U.S. was put into place equally to guard against mob rule and to guard against the tyranny with which the forefathers were so familiar. I know you’re South African, take a U.S. history class, maybe?

Generally, it’s not necessary to take action against loudmouths, bullies, and cowards. They are their own worst enemies. I don’t think recent Israeli / Palestinian protests across the United States have resulted in a single major incident. Nor would I categorize the writings of our war bloggers as ‘hate speech’. Hatred and fear certainly seem to be there, but there is no sustained attempt to verbally coerce those of like mind into killing or injuring others because of race or creed. These people are rank amateurs. Usually, such groups overstate their causes and their rhetoric is self-defeating. They will drift further and further from reality and they will attract only those they deserve. Sooner, rather than later, they will die out.

It’s not clear here whether he is talking about the warblogger bullies or about the Palestinian bullies. I don’t make it a habit of hanging around Palestinian pro-peace rallies (haven’t found any!!), throwing rotten eggs, and yelling that President Asaad needed to “finish the job”. And from his prose, it appears that when he talks about the warbloggers, he believes that we are full of hatred and fear. I can only speak for myself, but it feels a lot more like sad determination. I’m sorry that I don’t meet his standard of professionalism in inciting hatred and violent action. May I suggest something from Palestinian Authority TV?

Should they cause material or bodily damage, they would face both the wrath of their state security apparatus and their equals on ‘the other side’. Should the state support them, they then become but an adjunct to a greater battle between two or more movements or countries. In such situations, controlling interests use or exploit them to add to or exacerbate the problem, or to further political agendas. In other words, these vociferous minorities are forever minor players, used by forces greater than their blinkered views allow them to comprehend.

As opposed to those who sit on Olympian heights, objective, foresightful, oblivious.

Most Americans therefore feel that the danger posed by loose groupings of malcontents turning into organized bodies intent on disrupting social stability is real and deserves attention. The police, FBI, CIA, NSA, and other institutions are able to monitor such organizations before they cause real and lasting damage. The question is, do they have the will to do so or not? My guess is that they do. Had the U.S. security apparatus done its job last year (listened to its operatives and taken action when and where necessary) instead of engaging in political brinkmanship, Blog Burst might have no reason to exist. How much has the Federal Government learnt? The future, unfortunately, will tell. Until then, 9-11 will represent a tactical, defensive, political, and operational failure for those supposedly protecting the United States. And it will make Americans jump every time a bunch of crackpots with mush for brains threatens to bring on the Apocalypse.

Here is the political meat of his argument: The State exists to take care of this, just go on about your business, citizen. I’m amused, in part because he just doesn’t get what America is all about. Listen Mike, what the American political experience is about is that we are the government, and they are us.

For myself, I heap scorn on our war bloggers and their ‘Palestinian’ equivalents. They are baby ‘disillusionaries’. Their ‘static’ renders them useless to anybody, especially the causes or governments they supposedly serve. They are worthy only of derision; nothing else. The going will get tough but they will not stay the pace. Trust me on this. I know these things.

Well, you may know some things; right now you know how to sound like John Cleese. And Mike, I’d love to find my Palestinian equivalent. He would talk about the need for the Palestinian people to learn to become a nation, a nation defined by something other than an irrational an zealous hatred of their Jewish and secular neighbors. Once they do that, they can then work to become a state. Where is the Palestinian Nelson Mandela? Their Martin Luther King? What would the history of race and conflict in America been had it been created and written by Idi Amin or Yassir Arafat?
I know something about the American people, and I can tell you that a Palestinian leader like that would be buried in support from a broad spectrum of us. Sadly, it is more likely that in Palestine, as it is constituted now, they would just simply be buried after being murdered by the current Palestinian leadership you so seem to love and legitimize.
Lots of luck, fella. I hear it’s challenging in South Africa right now, and I’m sorry for that, and remain hopeful that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for you and yours.

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