
Was glancing at the Blogoverse between games this morning and found a link on NZ Bear’s site (another anonymous blogger, BTW!!) to a story on Michael Kielsky’s site about a young Arab boy who was flown to the U.S. to have a bullet taken from his chest (note: This is how we treat people who celebrated 9/11 and Daniel Pearl’s death…we fly them here for medical treatment. Yes we are better than they are.)
The bullet appeared to be a .22LR, as opposed to the .223 and .308 ammunition typically used by the Israeli military. Kielsky felt that this was evidence that he had not been shot by an Israeli.
I have been told, in the shooting world, some things about Israeli tactics…almost always with a lot of admiration. One thing which I have been told is that the IDF uses .22LR in riot supression as a ‘less-lethal’ alternative to .223 or .308, which are typically quite lethal.
I passed this on to Michael and NZ, and Michael has at least some confirmation of it.
This isn’t an anti-Israeli point; and anyone who reads this blog knows how I feel about the Intifada (hint: it’s a rare mixture of immoral and suicidal).
But if we demand the truth from others, we ought to tell it ourselves.

One thought on “.22LR”

  1. That has horrible shades of our experience on Bloody Sunday – the army went from talking about funny calibre riot guns to full live 7.62mm rock’n’roll into an unarmed crowd and wrecked any hope of peace for 20 years. Another similarity is that some of the Paras involved turned out to have fired more rounds than they’d been issued – their own private stashes of illegal dumdums. Soldiers do not necessarily carry only what they officially have…

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