Because buying a house, moving, and looking for new projects so we can pay for it wasn’t stressful enough, we decided to go to Chicago for the weekend and visit my sweetie’s family.
A few observations.
The room mini-bars at the InterContinental have ‘intimacy kits’…two condoms and some lube…that’s a new one on me. And it reminds me that I lost a $100 bet a number of years ago when a friend proved that the Plaza in New York had an ‘afternoon rate’ from 1 to 5 pm.
The pizza in Chicago is in fact better than the pizza in Los Angeles. Period. We lose.
On a beautiful weekend like the one we had, Chicago teems with so much vibrant street life that a neighborhood advocate in Los Angeles would need an intimacy kit…I need to think about why it is that Chicago is so pedestrian-friendly.
The concept of ‘customer service’ does not yet appear to have returned to air travel. So people like me, who are typically voluntary flyers, will doubtless continue to stay away.
We’re about 30% unpacked in the new house; I’m using dialup via AOL, which means that surfing blogs is Right Out because I’m not patient enough…I’ll catch up this weekend.

4 thoughts on “I’M HALF-BACK”

  1. Date: 07/20/2002 00:00:00 AM
    I have never met anyone from Chicago who I didn’t like, immensely. Chicagoans seem to be hip but full of common sense and decency at the same time. Why don’t I live there? I’m too sensitive to cold.

  2. Date: 07/17/2002 00:00:00 AM
    Does L.A. have as many sidewalks as Chicago? You can’t go into any neighborhood in Chicago without abundand sidewalkery on both sides of the street. And you can get anywhere in the city–anywhere at all–by bus or train.

  3. Date: 07/16/2002 00:00:00 AM
    You may be ‘half’ back, but here’s a full “welcome back”. A week doesn’t seem long until you find cyberspace is getting short of intelligent commentary.

  4. Date: 07/16/2002 00:00:00 AM
    Welcome back. I was getting nervous, and about to look for some more liberal bloggers to read. Especially since Layne and Welch have abrogated their obligation to write free stuff for me to read (not sure why those two are liberals, other than they say they are).Good luck with the new house – hope the fun parts of home ownership outweigh the frustrating parts (for almost everyone, they do).

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