My New Model Democrats are already under attack from the adlai stevenson liberation army, who write:

After their poor electoral showing on Tuesday, the Democrats are getting all sorts of conciliatory pats on the back and advice from people who are, more or less, the sworn enemies of everything they stand for.
Even Peggy Noonan, the Riefenstahl of Reaganism, is dishing out helpful hints.
She, and the rest of them, have as much help to offer as Rufus Griswold had for Edgar Allan Poe. But it’s the response of some purported Dems and libs that’s been most interesting. Their general idea seems to be that liberalism as a creed is finished, and that the Democratic party can only save itself by distancing itself from their base, and by behaving as much like Republicans as possible.

Uh, no, not actually.
I think that the Democrats did two stupid things: they traded the patriotic, passionate, radicalism of a Woodie Guthrie for the detached, academic radicalism of a Noam Chomsky. And before you tell me that the Democrats don’t approve of Noam Chomsky…they may make disapproving noises, but Bonior and Chomsky could sit down and have a latte and find a lot in common.
And then they sold out the greatest mass of the working people in this country for academics, public sector employees, Jesse Jackson, and a bunch of Hollywood executives and stars who are all for progressivism as long as their personal managers can keep their tax liabilities low.
So yeah, I’m unhappy with the Democratic Party. But don’t you dare call me an enemy of liberalism. And ask yourself this: The greatest growth in social spending and social programs in this country happened under LBJ and Nixon. I happen to think that a lot of it was misguided and where not, mismanaged, but we’ve come a long way from ‘The Other America’. It means something when the biggest health problems in the poor are those of obesity…

3 thoughts on “HUH??”

  1. I’m bothered by it only because Riefenstahl was much more skillful at it that Noonan, and therefore the comment is not fair to Leni.

  2. I quite agree(with the general thrust of your argument; Reifenstahl is irrelevant). I used to vote Democratic pretty much by reflex, but that was before the Dem leadership started referring to working people as “Joe Six-pack”, sucked up to the Warondrugs, & lost the ability to read the plain text of the Bill of Rights — specifically the 2d Amendment. I’m still Liberal (of the Al Smith persuasion).

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