David Adesnik over at OxBlog has decided that learning to hunt might be a good idea.

I was thinking of taking up hunting. Not because I support the NRA (which I don’t), but because I think it is important to recognize that animals do not simply become food.

Damn right, and good for him.

4 thoughts on “MEAT IS STILL MEAT”

  1. Does anyone ever take up hunting because they support the NRA?
    Usually the correlation (when there is one at all) is reversed; they support the NRA because they’re already hunters.

  2. I too am puzzled by the defensive NRA disclaimer. It makes me wonder what circles Mr. Adesnik travels in if he feels that anyone would assume that he is an NRA member because he hunts.
    I do hope that Mr. Adesnik is aware that without the NRA, it is unlikely that he would be able to use a modern rifle to go hunting. Hunting rifles are “high-powered” “sniper” rifles, according to the antis, and the ammo they shoot is “armor-piercing” stuff that only a cop-killer could possibly use. Without the NRA, there is every likelihood that bans on sniper rifles and armor-piercing ammo proposed by the antis would have passed into law and outlawed hunting rifles.
    Love ’em or hate ’em, the NRA can rightfully take a great deal of credit for stonewalling the anti-gun agenda for the last 30 years.

  3. Flawed though they be, they [the NRA] are still the best bulwark against the “anti’s” available. The 2nd Amendment’s protection would have vanished long ago without them.

  4. A New Weltanschauung for Meat

    Meatnuts, the Meathouse, Meatcakes, Meatbowl salads. I have ideas for meat. New ideas. Bread, a food as old as Western Civilization, must evolve. Times have changed. This shall be the epoch of meat.

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