A Twofer!

Jim Capozolla, of Rittenhouse Review, has laid down the gauntlet to Wonkette (the new Washington gossip/lifestyle blog from the vast Denton Empire) and her fans over a bit of snark she wrote; he says link to her and be forever banned from links from him.

That’s a simultaneously chickenshit and stupidly arrogant thing to do. I’ve certainly had my share of disagreements – some less than pleasant – with folks on the blogverse, and a notion like that would never occur to me.

7 thoughts on “A Twofer!”

  1. In case you don’t recall the first time Capozolla pulled this stunt, I blogged about it *in this post*

    Far from “only” resorting to this for the second time, I’m unaware of any blogger besides Capozolla who has ever announced such a policy once, let alone twice.

  2. He’s apparently retracting, declaring it to be an over-reaction and playing the I Was Just Kidding And All Of You Should Relax card. A pity: I was so happy to think that I had a foolproof way to make sure that Rittenhouse Review never, ever linked to my site…

  3. Ah… everything old is new again – but with a twist, apparently.

    Back in the juvenile days of the Blogosphere Dawn Olsen had more than a bit to say about certain well-known bloggers not linking to her. People railed against her, and rightly so, because what a person chooses to do with his/her blog is his/her choice. And while the CW at that time was personal choice, I guess it is no longer.

    Could someone please be kind enough to inform me of the rules of the day?

  4. Ann –

    Nobody’s busting Jim for linking to whoever he wants; if he were to say “I hate Wonkette and will never, ever link to her,” I wouldn’t give a damn. But when he says that he’ll put anyone in Coventry who links to her, he’s being a fool – as even he recognized.


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