Must-See Iraqi T.V.

I can’t believe I forgot to blog this today…

We’ve been working closely with Jim Hake, of Spirit of America; Jim has fielded a new request from the 1st Marine Division – you know, the guys and gals in Falluja – they want to help set up a series of low-powerd TV stations, staffed by Iraqis, that will try and counter the two dominant themes in media coverage in Iraq:

* If it bleeds (or burns) it leads;
* If it makes the US look bad, it leads.

I’m not going to comment on how obvious this is, and how, instead of working with one guy in West L.A. and a bunch of bloggers, we should have been doing this as our troops moved North.

Instead, I’m going to comment on the wonderful flexibility of our people over there who will do what it takes to get what they need to do the job.

Click here to see what the Marines need, and help them (and us) out. And thanks to all the other blogs who are working on this as well, and to Jim for letting us help.

(and yes, I know I don’t have a TV set; in this case, I’ll make an exception!)

4 thoughts on “Must-See Iraqi T.V.”

  1. Part of the problem with all this nonsense is that if the gov’t funds broadcasting, we catch hell for disseminating propaganda. If we don’t do anything, we catch hell from their propaganda.

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