Just got an email back from a staffer at ABC’s Noted, stating they had issued a correction, and they did:

Early on Friday Noted Now inadvertently posted an incomplete quotation from California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger speaking about President Bush and Sen. Kerry’s debate performances.

FULL CORRECT QUOTE FROM SCHWARZENEGGER ON KGO RADIO: “Both of them did not answer some of the questions, which I think is upsetting to me. I think it is much better to be straightforward with the people. I mean if you get a question about Iran and about nuclear power, and you don’t even answer that question, I think it’s a mistake, you know like Kerry did. Bush did the same thing in some instances, not really get into it and answer it.”

Good for them…that’s almost – bloglike.

4 thoughts on “ABC NEWS CORRECTS”

  1. Yeah, good for them – but a serious response would include a note that someone has been disciplined for the lapse of professional integrity – as FOX did, for instance, when the “Kerry quotes” incident happened.

    Many people don’t read corrections, and there was no excuse for not getting this right the first time. Dowdifying Arnold’s quote to flip its meaning 180 degrees is not an accident, and in light of the infamous ABC News memo the lack of any disciplinary measures here is revealing.

  2. Nice to see the correction even though the ONLY reason for it was they got caught. It’s really a bitch to no longer have the luxury of not being fact checked.

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