Jerome Armstrong Hits The Crackpipe Hard

Kerry for VP. No, seriously. This is one of the leading lights of the left political blogs.

Well, it’s a great plan, if you want a McGovern-type election…

8 thoughts on “Jerome Armstrong Hits The Crackpipe Hard”

  1. I think Armstrong is predicting Kerry more than advocating Kerry – or does prediction produce instant approval in the true-believer’s cognition-simulator? “Let us like him carry one shoe, and let the other be upon our foot …”

    Why are there no Florida or Ohio Democrats among the favorites? The best use for a VP is to deliver a fat battleground state.

    A few days ago Big Tent Democrat at Talkleft ruled out Evan Bayh, on the grounds that the chances of Obama taking Indiana are so remote that even Obama’s campaign can no longer delude themselves – and they are so smart that they can push delusion to its utmost theoretical limits. His pick was Biden – Experience at any price.

  2. I’m trying to figure out how the Obama campaign will talk its way out of the contradiction of any candidate who voted for the AUMF getting picked as a running mate. To my mind that suggests that the most prudent pick would be a former or current governor.

  3. I wouldn’t say he’s sealed his doom, but he has thrown away any possible advantage a good VP would have given him.

    He’s also damaged any push he might get from the convention. The Hillary people will go into it with a fresh grievance.

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